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*QUICK SHOUTOUT TO blu3_oceanss!!!! She is super cool so go follow her and she has like THE BEST stories EVER!!!*

Looking for some pointers on getting your tumbling skills better?

I'm here to help!

Back Hand Spring tips
• When swinging your arms back, lean back with it and jump as hard as you possibly can.
• Don't arch too much. This will get you a crooked back hand spring.
Backhand springs look prettier that way.

Handstand Tips-
• Keep your head in line with your arms.
• Dig your fingertips into the mat to hold your balance longer.
• Don't arch.
• Pull your hip under.
• Keep arms up by your ears
• Point your toes.

Round off back hand spring tips-
• Keep good form.
• Really whip your Roundoff rebound.
• keep your arms up at all times.
• Really jump backward.

Is there any more tips I can help with? Leave your answer in the comments below!!

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