The battle

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WARNING, Very enjoyable chapter. Enjoy.

Stoick pov.

I raised my hand and made a fist, the catapult swung their loads at the mountain. First it did no damage but over a long period a hole was being formed. They reloaded and I raised my hand again.

"LOOK DRAGONS" I looked up and saw hundreds of dragons descending on our position. We arrived not to long ago and quickly started setting up, we wanted these dragons dead, and that's exactly what we plan to do.

"HIT IT" the catapults fired at the mountain some dragons tried to fire at the boulders but that did nothing. They turned to the actual weapons and attempted to attack them but we were ready. I yelled an order and men can out of hiding places holding Bows. The dragons realized their mistake and tried flying away but they weren't fast enough and the men fired. Arrows raced towards the dragons and they couldn't stop it. They hit the dragons square in the chest, and some in the wings. One of dragons fell next to me and it started whimpering. I scoffed and shoved my sword threw its skull.

"Damn beats. LETS MOVE" I showed no emotion, these beasts die today.

More dragons came pouring out of the mountain and were taken out in the same manner. Some were slashed and some were stabbed. A few were hit by the boulders and killed instantly. I looked to my left and saw bodies of all beings, man and dragon, but mostly dragon. Good. These dragons took so much from us, now we'll do the same.

I eyed a nightmare with it guts all layer out, I could pinpoint what was what. Somehow though it could still breath. I marched over to it and looked it in the eye. It's face screamed death but my face gleamed in happiness. I slowly started walking away from it as it tried to scream at me, but to no affect. It was already dead and it knew it, it will just have to suffer a little.


Finally, they die.

I raised my hand pointed at the mountain.


Toothless POV.

Loud bangs and boom we're rocking the mountain. I had no idea what was happening, it sounded like an alpha was attacking the place. Explosions where happening everywhere and dragons were flying in all directions to counter the enemy. I was currently running towards the infirmary to see Hicca, the queen told me to go and let her worry about the attackers. She would call if she needed my help.

I ran fast down the corridors, my feet were quick and lite, i quickened my pace and ran as fast as my legs could take me. I could feel my legs slowly wanting to give out as I ran faster and faster but I held in my pain as I entered the infirmary. All I could think of was her safety as I herd another explosion and saw dragons fall to the ground. They were all determined to fight off our attackers but with some injured from previous raids it is difficult for them to do anything. Plus most of the dragons fighting should be capable.

I ran threw the place and found where Hicca is, or now was. She was gone, completely gone. I felt the rock she was laying on, it was still warm witch meant that she..

"Toothless, are you ok, what's happening" I couldn't even speak was my body lunged at Hicca full force and gave her a bone crushing hug. I wanted to speak but there are no words to describe how happy I feel right now. I can't even decide weather my tear ducts are working or not. I was a mess, but it's all because I love her.

"I love you to Toothless" I gave her a shocked look but quickly gave her a sly smile as I licked her cheek.

"You can finally do it, congratulations are an order. I didn't think you could do it." In response I got a jab to the ribs by her tail. I laughed and she did to, completely forgetting what laid outside I wrapped my wings around her and gave her a hug, I missed her, but the moment doesn't and nevers lasts long because another Explosion rocked the mountain and we both fell on each other. We got up and she asked the inevitable question.

Toothless x female hiccupWhere stories live. Discover now