The begininng of the end.

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Previously on Female hiccup x Toothless.

I feel my self lose all body functions and start falling.

Although I don't feel myself hit the ground.

Toothless POV
I was sitting the nest waiting for Hicca to come back from releasing all the dragons from Berk, and to be honest. I am really nervous right now, I could feel her presence through our connection go higher into the sky then suddenly plummet. I was about to go and fly to her but she started flying high again. Thank goodness

I still feel the need to fly to her but I can still feel her getting closer to my location. She was high in the sky but is slowly coming lower to the ground as she's getting closer, and her flying has gotten better. Somehow. It's almost like she got better in less then a few seconds. I wonder. I scratched my self and a few scales fell off. Why must I be itchy today. 

But enough of the worrying, she's done her job. I can here the commotion of the village from where I am, It's quite annoying. I am proud of her, she can finally rest knowing that she freed those other dragons. She can finally rest and settle down. Sure there are going to be more problems from time to time but it's a good feeling knowing we can do it together. Yeah, everything is oooook.....

"NIGHTFURY, help your mates in trouble" my head shots up as I looked to the sky. A nightmare, Gronkle, Zippleback, Nadder, and a Terror were flying down to me. The nightmare had something in its arms. I looked closer and my eyes became dinner plates.

Hicca was in the arms of the Nightmare, and as I looked closer I noticed she was bleeding badly. I quickly sprang to my feet and rushed over. Before the Nightmare could even land I already had Hicca in my arms. What happened, HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN. She was bleeding really badly from the stomach that was made by the axe still in it. It was a Viking axe, oh wow really, it had very good craftsmanship put into it. I'd say it was made out of very dense iron. It also had words put into it, and if my reading is right it says.

"Property of Chief Stoick The Vast" I wonder who that is. Never mind it doesn't matter. What does matter is

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED, TELL ME NOW." I slowly started nuzzling her while looking at the wound, it wasn't deep but it was deep enough to cause heavy bleeding. How did I let this happen, I could have stopped this, I know it. Please Hicca stay with me.

"We we're flying back here when she got hit with an axe, she wasn't paying attention and it hit her square in the chest. I tried to warn her but she couldn't move fast enough. I'm so sorry"

My physical being couldn't move an inch. I couldn't think straight, I couldn't even breath correctly. Hicca got hurt on my watch and I let it happen. I can't believe it, I'm a failure. I can't even protect the one I love the most. I'm such an idiot, I shouldn't have even asked her, we would still be friends and none of this would even have happened.

"Please, don't blame yourself. We can help her. If we each use a common healing technique then it should heal her. In theory anyway" I looked at the Gronkle and back to Hicca. She's right, I can deal with my self loathing later. Now I need to help her.

"There's no need, I can use a more advanced spell that will heal her, but it will hurt me. And tire me, plus I know a common spell will tire you all more then the advanced one will me. I will need your help if the Humans come to find her. They can probably track her with the blood she dropped. I should only be out for a few minutes. I just need the strength to be able to carry her to another island that's defendable. Like the........queens island" they all gave each other a long look before turning back to me and giving me a nod. I nodded in return and stared at Hicca, my beautiful sweet Hicca. Don't worry , you'll be ok. You'll have to meet the queen but you'll be ok. I'm so sorry Hicca.

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