Chapter 27

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When Dipper opened his eyes, he saw that he was in his room on the attic at the Mystery Shack.

The room was very familiar to him but oddly enough, he didn't feel any sort of nostalgia after being away for so long. He had a feeling thatt it was his first time to visit this place.

"Not really Pinetree, considering this is your mind"

He snapped his head up to where Bill's voice was and he had a feeling that the demon was smirking at him but that was impossible since Bill didn't have a mouth to start with.

"Aww did you miss me? Admit it, you missed me~"

The demon coo at him as he backed away in distrust. Also he thought about it an the sighed in thanks that Bill was just floating around and wasn't hiding away and only using his voice to communicate like some kind of telepath.

"And why would I hide kid? I'm an omniscient being of pure energy. It will be no fun if you can see my magnificent form"

Bill remarked he moved closer to him and ruffled his hair, making the chocolate curls look like a birds nest.

Dipper scattered away from Bill with his hands over his head ready to swat the hands if the demon if Bill tried to ruffle his head again.

"Bill w-what the heck! Don't do that! Also stop reading my mind you demon!"

He sputtered as he continued to back away, he gave the demon a glaring look yet Bill only laughed at him.

"Your a trillion years too early to try to scare me kid! You look just like one of those pets that you meatsacks keep, It was called a kitten if memory serves right. And i'm Bill Cipher so of course it's right"

Dipper gritted his teeth in frustration the bragging demon in front of him.

He was very annoyed at how the Bill acted, but considering that Bill was not going to be Bill if he didn't act like this, Dipper pushed down his anger that had piled up for the sake of having his answers.

Forcing himself to calm down, he looked straight at the demon's eye and begun to demand answers from Bill.

"Bill why did you kill Orcerson!? And-and this whole time! You had been manipulating everything haven't you!? Julius's attempt to kill me and Glenn disappearing was your doing to! T-tge nightmares! The nightmares that everyone suffered, you made them didn't you? Y-you were already within the Academy before I summoned you! Bill, just what do you want from me?!"

Dipper let out all of the frustrations and questions that he had been waiting to unleash to Bill. And before he knew it, he was already panting from talking too loudly, too much.

Then all of a sudden his knees felt like jelly and he fell on the ground with a soft thump.

It seemed like since Dipper had been holding on to those questions, he had earned a lot of stress. And know that he had yelled it all out to Bill, the stress left and the feeling of relief was just too much for him and his body couldn't handle it.

Regaining his breathing he lay on the floor exhausted.

It was eerily quite and Dipper didn't have ant more courage left in him to look up and see how Bill reacts to his outbursts.

He was also too tired to care right now if he pissed off the dream demon and just wished that this nightmare would stop.

Then all of a sudden his chin was lift up and he saw Bill looking at him with his eye only reflecting his own image like a mirror.

The demon held an emotion in his eye that Dipper couldn't discern. It made him shiver but not in fear. It made him weirdly calm and he hated that he didn't know why.

Dark Magic Academy Mayhem - Billdip (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now