Chapter Ten

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After leaving the house she was on her way to the Nara clan’s main house which just so happened to be halfway across the village so it’d take her a little more time to get there since she was just walking.

As she was passing by the Raman shop that she’d go to once in a while she heard her name.

“Shingami-Chan!” There was only one person in the world that ever called her that and it just so happened to be Naruto.

She turned around and her eyes evidently landed on the blonde.

“Naruto. Are you well?”

He ran up to her and smiled with his arms behind his head. “I’m good! Believe it! And my team is here to get some ramen!”


Her gaze landed on the rest of his team. She instantly recognized Kakashi after all the missions she’d gone on with him while he was in Anbu. She knew the other boy was the last Uchiha in the village but nothing really about him and the pink-haired girl was probably born into a civilian family but knew of her because of Ino.

“Kakashi-Sensei! Sakura-Chan! Teme! This is a friend of mine from before I went to the Academy!”


The copy ninja looked up from his trademark orange book. “Long time no see.”

Sakura and Sasuke were perturbed by the mask that the girl before them was wearing. Sasuke didn’t show it but Sakura kind of half hid behind the Uchiha. Shingami noticed this and took the mask off. Giving team seven a small smile.

“A pleasure to meet you, my name is Shingami.”

The Uchiha didn’t react or even try to say anything in return he was just staring blankly at her, she was much more formal then what Naruto always made her out to be.

Sakura remembered when Ino told her about her new teammate. She did interrogations and tortured people for information. But also that she had the most beautiful eyes and a wonderful smile. That is if she ever took her mask off for others to see and she was polite.

“Hello, I’m Sakura.” She said as she smiled at the other girl. Ino wasn’t lying about her eyes, they were mesmerizing to look at.

“Nice to meet you Sakura, Naruto always speaks very highly of you.”

Sasuke was intrigued by the girl’s eyes to him it appeared that they were glowing.

“Do you have a Dojutsu?” 

Shingami’s complete attention was placed on the Uchiha. “No. But they are a strange color aren’t they?”

She then turned to Kakashi. “Naruto hasn’t been causing you too much trouble has he?”

“Shingami-Chan!” Naruto whined but the two Jonin ignored him.

“He’s not that bad. He’s just full of surprises.” The copy ninja said while he flipped the page of his book before looking up at her.

“And what of your team? Is everything going well?”

The girl shrugged. “Everything is good for now.”

Then she pulled a face. “I went clothes shopping for the first time with somebody-Ino Yamanaka. I will do my best in the future to not do it very often.”

Kakashi rolled his one uncovered eye. “What about the other two?”

“Choji Akamichi and I have a similar fondness for food, And I’m on my way now to Shikamaru Nara’s house to learn to play Shogi.”

Sakura’s attention was piqued. “You’re going on a date with Shikamaru?!”

Shingami did not look amused and pinched the bridge of her nose and let out a breath. “Why does everybody assume that?”

“He’s lazy and rarely shows any interest in anything that requires effort! He must really like you!” Sakura cooed.

“...Right…” This was the second time that she had this conversation in the last two hours and she still wasn’t convinced.

“What do you think about all… this, Hatake?” Shingami was hoping that the older jonin could convince the genin that they were wrong instead he walked right up to her and flipped through his book to a page and handed her the book to take a look at.

“Kakashi-Sensei! Why are you showing Shingami-Chan your porn book!” Naruto said just a tad bit too loud which drew a little bit of attention to them.

Shingami, however, didn’t mind the makeout-paradise series the plot wasn’t that bad but it could get a little descriptive.

Her face remained unchanged as she quickly read the more steamy part then it switched to the couple doing a Shogi bet which leads them straight back into bed.

When Shingami finished she handed Kakashi back his book leaving a note in the back of her head to get herself a copy on a later date.

“The probability of that happening is next to zero and no, I shall not consider this to be a date unless he says so himself.”

Kakashi was the only one to accept that as an answer, the genin, however, were not persuaded. 

“If that will be all I should get going.”

Naruto grabbed her arm before she could put her mask back on.

“Can you train with us sometime?! I bet you could kick Kakashi-Sensei’s ass!” Shingami looked up at Kakashi who had the most unamused look on his face as he looked at Naruto but made no comment.

“I’ve got missions and a team of my own but I’ll see what I can do.”

She looked at team seven one last time before putting her mask back one and turning around towards her destination. Without any further distractions.


When she finally made it to the Nara clan compound. She went straight to the right house. She knew which one it was because she had come here to have a meeting with Shikaku over some tea. His wife was quite a contrast but without her, he’d probably be even more unproductive.

Shingami knocked on the door and unsurprisingly Yoshino answered.

“What a surprise! Come in, come in, Shingami!” Shingami followed the woman inside the house and took off her shoes.

“Are you here to see Shikamaru?” She said with a smile.

“Yes. He offered to teach me how to play Shogi.” Shingami said as she slipped her mask off her face to be more respectful of the Nara  Matriarch

“Oh! I remember he mentioned that earlier!” 

Yoshino lead the girl to the room that Shikamaru was in. When she opened the door it revealed him with his arms behind his head while he was laying down in front of a setup board of shogi.

“Well, I’ll leave you two to it.” And with that Shingami and Shikamaru were left alone.

Chapter Eight Vote still open.

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