Chapter Twenty-Six

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Shingami had stayed with Anko since the start of the second exam, only to end up sparring with her several times in those three days. Surprisingly enough Anko didn’t resort to using paper bombs, which was a good thing.

Shingami wasn’t surprised that Gaara and his siblings finished first with the fastest time. 

In fact, she would have been more surprised if he hadn’t.

The masked girl was so bored that she found herself throwing senbon at houseflies trying to get the Musca Domestica as Shino Aburame told her at the end of one of those said senbon. The Aburame wasn’t bad company and he wasn’t bothered by her demeanor and requested that she didn’t try to do the same thing to his beetles as the houseflies. 

He also told her about his beetles, it was most interesting when he sent at least thirty of them to knock her mask off her face making everyone in the room go silent to observe her reaction only to see her eyes full of amusement and her lips quirk up in a levity smirk.

Every time that the girl walked over to her team she couldn’t stay for very long because it could be considered as cheating if she gave them too much information, though even with her team she was very vague with her words and didn’t really say much. 

Usually, it was the casual hello and the how are you doing. But more often than not she came out of nowhere and would randomly throw snacks and drinks at Choji or Shikamaru to help with their reaction times. And for Ino she’d throw little balls of condensed chakra to help her detect things since she was a sensory type. 

Anko and the Sentinels found it amusing whenever Choji and Shikamaru got hit in the face with plastic bags and bottles and even more amusing when Ino would freak out and scream because of the chakra balls that were thrown at her would basically explode if she missed them. 

But after the last team made it to the tower things got right back down to business again.

While she made sure all of the genins were accounted for, Tenzo who was lurking around in the shadows pulled Shingami to the side handing her a read and write scroll.

“What’s this, Tenzo?” She said as she saw the Hokage’s seal on it.

“It’s a mission, Lord third thinks one of his old students is back in the village.”

Her eyes snapped up to look at Tenzo’s cat mask. “Student? One of the Sannin?”

Tenzo looked away from Shingami’s perverse gaze. “Yeah.”

“I thought Hiruzen knew Jirya was in the village?”

Tenzo looked around making sure none of the genins were around to see him. “Not that student…” He said quietly.

Her eyes flashed with recognition. “Orochimaru?”

Tenzo nodded. “Yeah, can you look into it?”

She looked at the Genin and something about the situation made her super alert. Her eyes landed on Shikamaru who was falling asleep while he was leaning against the railing, Naruto’s smiling form, Choji eating the chips she’d thrown at him, and Ino butting heads with Sakura over Sasuke, Gaara was-

Her eyes narrowed then she turned to look at Tenzo again. “I’ll do it,” She looked back at the genin. “And I have an idea of where to look first.”

She disappeared in a puff of smoke in front of the proctor and the Third Hokage.

She leaned forward to speak in the Kage’s ear. “I may have to leave for a while, but I will find him.”

He dipped his head in understanding. “Do whatever you need to do.” He looked her in the eye. “Just be careful, He’s…dangerous.”

She nodded slightly, her eyes drifted to look at the genin again. “...Can you tell Asuma-”

Hiruzen cut her off by putting a hand on her shoulder. “I’ve already informed all the Leaf genin sensei of your investigation, they will not interfere, Kakashi offered to help you if need be.” He paused to use his pipe before continuing. “Asuma already told your team that you won’t be there to help them during the training period.”

She nodded and Hiruzen walked away to address the genin in the room explaining to them about this part of the exam. She turned to Hayate who was looking rather paler than usual, even with his extremely dry cough.

“Think you’ll do alright without me?” She said to make sure that he could handle all the preparations for the final exam on his own.

“I may not be immortal, Shingami. But my illness won’t hinder me in any way.” He said with a hint of a smile.

With that, he also walked away. Shingami came up behind Kakashi. Grabbing his book looking at the page he was on and gave him an unamused stare leaning the railing as she continued reading.

“Something you need, Shingami?” Kakashi said after he cleared his throat.

“The seal on the Uchiha’s neck.” She paused looking over the pages of the book at Kakashi. “That’s by ‘his’ hand isn’t it?”

“Yeah. In the forest of death,” he said eyeing his book.

She closed the book holding the page with her finger as she held it close to his face. ”Thanks for your help.” She gave him his book back with the page still open.

She walked away disappearing in a puff of smoke, Kakashi looked down at his book and saw a folded piece of paper, he flipped it open and read it.

If you find out anything new, I’d like it if you’d share it with me. And if you need anything in return you know how to find me. 

It was signed with a bloody fingerprint. 

Kakashi shook his head with amusement then proceeded to watch Naruto fart in Kiba’s face unceremoniously making him deadpan.

I just wanted to thank everyone for reading my story, I honestly think that it's a piece of shit.

And I love looking at all your comments and messages. So don't be shy, it gives me something to do.

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