New OC Again

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(I came up with her literally 5 minutes ago)


Name: " name is Jeff-" (Dana Ragdoll is her actual name)

Nickname: "Danny, DD, and fluff."

Age: "I'm Xena's age." (19-26)

Personality: "All I know is that Xena's said I'm loud and vulgar." (She can be very cussy at times, and yes, she does yell and be loud a lot, and she's also a huge daredevil. She's full of energy and a goofball as well.)

Backstory: "Mom and dad argued a lot for like ten years when I was a kid, eventually made up, five months later momma died in a car crash, dad can't use his legs cuz he was there too, I moved to Mystic Woods, and here we are."

Species: "Mystic cat."

Looks: "Boi-" (Dana, in human form, is a tall young woman with pale skin and thick, fluffy hair that reaches down to her hips. Her eyes are a bright blue, and she wears a black tee, ripped jeans, and brown boots a majority of the time. Art will be added later. This is what she looks like in cat form:

 This is what she looks like in cat form:

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Weapons: "Double daggers."

Friends: "Xena, Dusty, pretty much half of Mystic Woods."

Family: "Dead momma and my crippled dad."

Fears: "pFFT- HAH!" (Pretty much none)

Best friend: "Well I'm pretty close to Xena but I wouldn't say we're best friends. That's Dusty's role."

Crush: "I got none."

Likes: "Being an idiot, goofing off, being active, annoying Xena, etc."

Dislikes: "Calm music, being hugged or held for a long time."

Other: "I have a moon tattoo on my shoulder."

(Yeah that's Dana for now)

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