OC Facts...Again

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1) When Lucia cries, there's this distinct flush of color across her face. Don't ask me why I put this here.

2) Raven, Keane's twin sister, used to bully Keane when they were younger. She's also lowkey a sadist but can hold it back now.

3) Lucia's ringtone is a song from an older band called KISS, the song being Detroit Rock City.

4) Lucia, when in one of her wolf forms, will sometimes cuddle her tail when sleeping.

5) Midnight's hunting technique is similar to a cheetah. She'll stalk the prey, completely hidden, then wait for the perfect timing to launch. If she misses it or it runs away, she'll just immediately chase after it without her hyperspeed- the thrill of the hunt is better. Then she jumps and attacks it with a choke hold; clamping her jaws around it's throat and waiting for it to suffocate. Boom, dinner.

6) Roxana once let Mikey ride on the spikes on her back, and occasionally will allow him to pet her tail or head.

7) Whenever Basil sees a cat, she HAS to pet it.

8) In one of her older designs, Nightbird was originally going to have longer lashes with little balls on the ends and longer bottom lashes, with yellow-green eyes and slit pupils.

9) Tanya's eye color kept changing throughout her old designs, sometimes they were described as pale blue, then clear blue, then ocean blue, icy blue, etc. I just settled on icy-ocean blue.

10) Tanya's actually immune to venom and tranquilizers.

11) Bandit's weapon is a grappling hook, so sometimes she hangs upside down from it Spider-Man style. (*Insert 1980's Spiderman theme song*)

12) Bellatrix has actually kicked Alyx in the face before. Don't ask how, but she has.

13) Bela's horns are really sharp, so she usually avoids hitting people with them unless it's an enemy battle. She's also gotten her horns stuck in a doorway once.

14) Luck can levitate about 6 feet off the ground.

15) Gia, when she's bored, will sometimes jump off buildings and give her friends panic attacks- even though she knows how to catch herself before she lands (she has a grappling hook too)

And here's a few memes I found:


Gia, pointing to Tanya training and doing a high kick: My sister's kick is higher than my grades.


Guy at school: Can you idiots get a table?

Bandit and Brooke: Yeah, sure.

-Five minutes later-

Bandit and Brooke, running across the street carrying a table: sTART THE CAR


Human! Bellatrix: I don't get why everyone's arguing about top and bottom, I'd just be excited to have a bunk bed.


Bela: Can I tell her?

Alyx: No don't.


Chiwa: You should not have come here, kitten. Why are you here?

12 y/o Midnight: I got lost on the way to get a snack.

Chiwa: You...stumbled into a secret base...while trying to find the kitchen?

12 y/o Midnight: I'm not very smart.


Bandit: *Mad*

Herc: Oh come on Bandit, don't get upset!

Bandit: I don't get upset.

Bandit, holding a razor blade: I get stabby.

Herc: Bandit no-


21 y/o Diesel, walking into the bar with a new jacket: Hey guys! How do I look?

21 y/o Valerie: Holy crap that's the ugliest thing I've ever seen.

Diesel: E x c u s e y o u ?

Valerie: Oh not you, you're cute, I'm talking about the guy sitting beside you.

21 y/o Nicolas: Oh screw you.


Teacher: ...Bandit. The assignment was to bring something important to you.

5 y/o Bandit, holding 5 y/o Luther: Yeah?

Teacher: I meant an object, not your brother.


-Around Halloween-

Midnight: Okay, what is Hobs holding right now?

Herc: ? A pumpkin?

Middy: Yep. Now Hobs, what do you think you're holding?


Hobs: A Halloween apple.

(I saw this and I had to)

Friend: Hey Sera!

Friend: Are you into cars?

Sera: Yeah, it was a good movie.

Friend: No, I mean are you a car person?



Sera: I'm a human.


Tanya: I just want someone to take me out.

Gia: On a date or with a sniper gun?

Tanya: Surprise me.


Signe: Introverts don't get friends, they're adopted by extroverts.


Okay that's it good day.

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