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"Don't mess this up," Bumblebee beeped as they exited the Ground Bridge.

"Are you telling that to me?" (Y/n) snorted. "I'm the last one that would mess this up."

"Yeah, right." She whirled around to face him.

"Now you're just trying to provoke me!" she snapped. "You're always trying to provoke me! It's what you've been doing since we met at the Autobot base camp! And I can't help but wonder why. Why do you do it?"

"I was never trying to provoke you," Bumblebee shot back angrily. "We just don't get along."

"Who's fault is that?" He lunged at her but she darted out of his reach and into the mine. "Now stop dawdling!"

They ran down the mine, snapping at each other. That was until they heard the drilling sounds. "Ratchet always does this, doesn't he," (Y/n) said angrily. They both deployed their weapons, pressing against opposite walls of the tunnel. They peered into the mine and saw the Vehicons bustling around.

"Now's the time for performance," Bumblebee hissed to her.

"Have I ever disappointed?" She paused. "That's a horrible question to ask you." He smirked beneath his mouth guard before they slipped into the mine.

(Y/n) crept around opposite Bumblebee before a Vehicon noticed her and sounded the alarm. She killed the Vehicon and dispatched two more. Bumblebee was doing the same.

There was a sudden explosion and (Y/n) was blown backwards. She sat up, glaring at Bumblebee, who, by the smoking cannon, had undoubtedly set the explosion off.

"Talk about performance," she sneered. The Vehicons that had been near the explosion were dead and the others retreated. "Now look at what you did." She swept her servo at the scorched wall. "Fifteen cubes, gone, give or take a few."

"You think I did that on purpose?" he snapped, sheathing his cannons and stalking towards her. "I was defending myself! I'm sure Optimus values my life over fifteen cubes."

"Probably, but you didn't have to shoot the Energon."

"I wasn't aiming for the Energon!"

"Gather it up!" Ratchet said through the comm. "Arguing about it doesn't bring it back." Bumblebee and (Y/n) hissed at each other as they proceeded to collect the Energon. The Ground Bridge opened a moment later and they carried it through.

"Don't drop it!" (Y/n) sneered, shoving her shoulder into Bumblebee's. He stumbled, barely catching a cube. Ratchet rolled his optics. They set their loads down.

"Now you're just trying to get me in trouble," he growled. He grabbed her arm and threw her onto the ground. She sprang up and drove him back into the wall, shoving her arm against his neck cables.

Ratchet cleared his vocals. They paused as he pointed at the human's bay. They were still at the base.

"Uh," Bumblebee whirred awkwardly.

"Showing off," (Y/n) said quickly, wrapping one arm around Bumblebee's neck cables and bringing him against her. She patted his helm rather roughly and he struggled to keep a pleasant, almost playful expression. Ratchet frowned at them.

"That's nice," Bumblebee beeped, struggling away from her. She stifled a smirk. "Where's Optimus?"

"Places," Ratchet said, looking awkwardly away. Miko snorted.

"You did not," (Y/n) said.

"He needed rest!"

"That doesn't mean you need to drug him!" (Y/n) slapped a servo to her face plate. "Well, he'll be well rested. Anyway, that leaves you in charge!" She pointed finger guns at him. "Can I recharge?"

"No," Ratchet said pointedly. "You must...bond. For the child's sake."

"Who are you to say what's best for them?" she growled. "What about what's best for me?"

"Doctor's orders," Ratchet said. "Hey, why don't you and Bumblebee show some skills? How well you compliment each other."

"Oh, brilliant," Bumblebee beeped.

"Let's see!" Miko exclaimed.

"Ha," (Y/n) snorted. Silence. "Uh, seriously?"

"Go for it!" Miko said, pulling out her phone.

"You know what," Bumblebee beeped suddenly. "I'm feeling extra...grumpy today." He suddenly grabbed (Y/n)'s arm and threw her onto the ground. He kicked her into the wall, pinning her there with his pede. "Easy goes. What's wrong, (Y/n)?"

"You know," she spat. She grabbed his pede, off balancing him and dragged him onto the ground. Miko cheered excitedly in the background. (Y/n) shoved Bumblebee's helm roughly on the ground, pinning his arms to his sides.

"You got me!" he beeped angrily. "Let me go!"

She slammed his helm onto the ground one last time before standing and bowing. Ratchet glared at her. She shrugged. Bumblebee stood up, rubbing his helm where a sizeable dent was.

"Do you guys like each other?" Raf asked quietly.

"What? Of course!" (Y/n) exclaimed.

"You've been giving them a vibe," Ratchet said.

"That didn't last as long as I'd have liked it to," Bumblebee beeped. "But, you guessed."

"Why?" Raf inquired. (Y/n) settled down in front of him.

"If you want to get some popcorn, now's the time," she said. "Let us tell you a little story...."

In My Head (TFP Bumblebee x Femme Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant