Then I started to think, I would end her misery. Someone is making her feel pain and I'm the key. I then got up with Lohn Jaurens on the ground and stepped out from behind Thalia's statue.

"Oh? What do you plan on doing now, I can freeze you in your spot."

"I know, what could I do to st-" At my ankle, Lohn Jaurens Nibbled my pants, his left eye glowing gold. I look back at Khione and behind her stood Joe, his right eye glowed.

"Oh ignore that turtle fool, I know its tricks it won't-" "Stand down Khione, It's over"
Kyla, Lin, and Penelope all stood behind her and within the sound of hearing the voice, Khione knelt at their feet.

"Kyla! oh, uhm, miss. You led all of them here, highly rewarded we will be after-" ''No- I'm not being his pawn, Let them go."

Apparently, I wasn't the only one confused Lin jaw dropped in confusion with Penelope still not sure what was happening. Penelope seemed to completely recover from when I saw her but as Kyla finished a blast hit her in the chest. The room swirled a blizzard with Khione going mad.

"YOU, DARE BETRAY HIM? HE WILL KILL YOU! YOU CAUSE ME TROUBLE TOO FOR EVEN RECOMMENDING YOU." She moves slightly and faces Penelope who is scrunched in a ball from the blast. "AND YOU, WERE SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD, SHE PROMISED ME!" That's when she turns to me.

Her eyes glowed bright blue, icicles growing around the tips of her hair, "FINALLY, BASIA. IT WON'T MATTER ANYMORE. I WILL TAKE THE PLEASURE OF KILLING YOU. ALL OF YOU." She blasts me right in the chest before I could get a chance to move and I blackout.

Now when I say blackout, it more like everything went black then I woke up instantly inside a workshop. Around me were random sheets of metal, cars, anything you can name.

"Well, I can't keep doing this you know." I turn around to see my father.

"What, what is going on? I need to help-" "Yes, they need you. But I need to tell you this now, You have to make a choice. I took your fire, you can get it back though."

"How?? Father tell me!"

He shakes his head. "I cannot, but once you wake up, you will understand. Save her for me"

He reaches out to my head and I shot forward bumping heads with Penelope. Right next to the furnace behind Thalia. Thoughts or more like voices swirled my head.

The curse will take action

Your loved ones will suffer

Save her

That moment I understood, the choice. Penelope was important, that's why she was supposed to die. It's Penelope and risk it all, or let the curse take its course.

My face must have shown sorrow cause Penelope gave me a reassuring look and told me, "Dad wants the best for us all kid. But that can't happen, you know we won't escape here without what needs to happen. Please, I'll be ok." I looked at her confused by her words.

"Y-you can't just give up your life, and why did you say that anyways?"

"Achlys talked to me, said dad loved me and he wants to do better as long as I live on, He wants to do right which is better than any other god has done but this has to be done, I trust her." Penelope grabs my hand and puts it on and holds it next to the furnace. I was shocked to the point I couldn't speak. She nods her head as a tear slowly trickle down her face. I go to pull it away but she forces both our hands in the fire.

I erupt covered in blue flames will Penelope and as quickly as I was submerged, they extinguished, with Penelope falling onto her back unconscious. I had lost it, I walked out from behind and see Lin frozen in place by his feat as Kyla was stuck to the wall.

"Well, the flame boy woke up, too bad you are defenseless" She laughed hysterically and I joined in.

"Oh, if only you had a clue you Elsa looking, Bitch."

Blue flames burst out of my hands, holding an eternal flame trickling around me. I send a flame at her and as she tried to stop it, all her attacks were melted blasting her right in the gut, ironic you could say. Sadly she was a god, it had done nothing.

The two sides of the room swirled with fire and wind blasting at each other, this distance fight would never end. She sends an icicle at me nearly dodging it and landing back at the wall. On my left sat my Dad's hatchet, Achos, Pain.

I reached for it, the pitch-black hatchet with etches in it and upon picking it up. All the designs filled with blue fire. I get up and walk towards her, everything she did was useless until the point that I got so close that the wind extinguished the flames surrounding me.

She yells over the swirling wind, "YOU CAN'T WIN, NO ONE CAN HELP YOU!" I looked at her with a smirk and told her. "I know."

I through the hatchet into the wind as it cut right into her face causing all the wind to stop and her to fall to the ground. Her face bled gold and she was legitimately hurt.

"It's over Khione. Just stop" I had lost all energy, my power had drained itself totally.

"Oh Basia, you can think that many gods will turn on you. I have only delayed the inevitable."

With that, she disappeared leaving the hatchet on the ground where she fell. I wanted to collapse but feelings of rage took over me and massive heat waves shot out, they felt like cries of agony, pain leaving my body that wasn't mine. After the pain of the heat waves was gone, I fell to my knees.

"Baisa??? what happened!?" Around me stood B, Thalia, Lin, and Kyla. Before I was about to answer I realized something and darted shouting, "Penelope!"

Curse of flames: Awakening (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now