Fire makes things go boom

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Ok, getting this out of the way, I'm Basia, many call me Beige due to my hair and because I hate my real name. I don't know my father and my mom left me, so I was raised with my cousin, Tashi. A mortal life; A normal Life. I've been through a lot of school and have insane fidgeting, always making things. To most this is a story to read, but others will understand if it's real. Oh, yeah, I'm 6ft and skinny, yea. Ok, enjoy.


"Beige, wake up, you're gonna get us in detention..... again." a voice says worried and jabbing me in the side. "Wha-what? Oh, Tashi, you know I got like 3 hours of sleep. Sorry, I can't help make paper crafts." I say groggily waking up from a nap in math class. Our math teacher really seemed to dislike me, and Tashi always followed me to detention like something was going to happen. Man, she can be weird.

"Basia, again you have serious issues staying awake, too bad After School Detention doesn't scare you, so how about Lunch Detention? See you then." Ms.Gradrem says towards me from her desk with a menacing look, it sends a shiver down my spine. She has given over 12 after school detentions for simple things like a nap or making a paper boat. I glance at Tashi, who looks nervous and shocked for some reason. I ignore it like always, and go back to finishing a perfect paper ball with aluminum around the surface.

A few hours pass, Science, Engineering, then finally, lunch. I meet Tashi at the teacher's class to see it destroyed and dark. "Uh, Ms.Gradrem it's Beige and Tashi, we are here for detention. Where are you?" I say afraid of what might show up, although not much can be worse than her. "Tashi, what is going on?" I start to freak out cause of the laughter in the room and I see her put on gloves as if she was going to fight her.

"Basia and Notashino, finally. THIS WILL BE YOUR END!! DIE YOU DEMIGODS!!" Suddenly a strong force pushed us into the classroom and shut the door. "Beige, hide I'll handle this" Notashino summoned two daggers, one fire, one ice. Now that would've looked extremely cool if I even had a slight clue as to what was going on. Then, that's when the green-scaled humanoid figure with a snake's lower torso came out of the shadows. The demon's red eyes flickered at us with enjoyment. "Now, firssst let'ss deal with you, Notashino, so he will be easy to finish off."

The serpent dove at her and I got under a desk and watched in terror. Tashi fights the monster, slashing it with her daggers. Tragically, the serpent was too fast and clawed Tashi with her claw, smacking her into a corner. Slowly, as the serpent approaches Tashi, who was crippled in a corner, a side me I never knew of took over.

"Hey!! Ugly swamp snake thing get away from her!!" I scream towards her and it responds with, "Little demigod, you can't stop me, you'll make a lovely dessert as you watch your protector get killed." She whips Tashi who yells in pain. I scream in anger and raise my hand towards the serpent and a sudden blast of fire shoots out. I see an explosion and black out.

Man, making this makes me so happy. I love Greek mythology and I won't quit in the middle of this one, I swear. hehe
Also adding this to the revised thanks to my best friend(LtLettuce)who is now my editor so it isnt trashy with grammatical errors lol thanks

Curse of flames: Awakening (Book 1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz