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Well, let me just start by stating that I have been locked in a cage for a day. The temperature was definitely below freezing with icicles stuck to the ceiling and snow piles in the corner that wouldn't melt. My power was barely back, creating just enough warmth for my hands stuck inside handcuffs, which honestly was the most frustrating thing I've dealt with.

Why now is it gone? What caused this rare power to disappear? Now I'm stuck in a cell with absolutely nothing waiting for the one and only Aden to arrive and kill me. Worst of all, the hunters and B both are now frozen and Penelope is "Dealt with" and I hope it wasn't what I thought. A fire boiled inside me wishing to burst, sadly not being able to exit. I had to have a plan for exit.

To my luck, a turtle appeared in front of my cell while I wasn't looking; it was Lohn Jaurens. My jaw dropped as I crawled to the prison bars wanting to pick him up. Honestly, I probably had gone crazy at this point but I whispered to Lohn Jaurens.

"How did you get here?? You are such a sneaky turtle please get me out somehow, use your jaw snappy thingy." To my luck, he listens biting the bars.... right next to my face. "Good. Good! now just bite my handcuffs off."

I don't know turtle expressions but he gave me the look of "Stupid" and started to walk on my cuffs. I smirked and sat him on my shoulder as I started to sneak my way around this mysterious place. It was dark, it gave an abandoned castle vibe which isn't something I wish I had to experience. But the odd part was that it was empty, no one was here other than frozen statues. Finally, I came across a throne room.

Inside was a shining chair with ice covering random spots and next to the chair were Thalia and B frozen in place. I ran to B immediately seeing if there was a way to break her free but, with my hands trapped, that didn't help my situation. I remembered a trick from a movie which was a massive mistake and slammed the iron cuffs on the wall vibrating my body and making a really loud bang. The worst part was that I didn't free my hands or so I thought until a whoosh of wind behind me sent chills through my back.

"Well, isn't this a pleasant surprise to see. Looks like that creature helped you I'm assuming?" I turned around to see none other than the goddess Khoine. She swirled her hand causing snow flurries to lift Lohn Jaurens into the air to come face to face with her.

"This... this creature is what helped you? My, its cute, pointless and sad that you had it save you. It'll make a great AHHH" At that moment Lohn Jaurens had summoned his metal jaw biting perfectly onto her face as she fell in pain.


She sends a blast at Lohn Jaurens who I was able to get my cuffs in front of freezing them. Then, I retried what I had before and slammed the gloves off, my hands finally had become free. Now I had to figure out how to defeat a woman who can turn anything to an ice sculpture with nothing but a turtle.

Behind Thalia was a little fireplace with the slightest flame, it was my only idea at the time and I quickly dove behind the ice sculpture and stuck my hand on the flame only for it to burn my hand leaving major pain.

"Ah fire boy, can't hide behind that statue, I'll simply cut it into pieces, the hunters were merely a prize, oh I'll become powerful thanks to her servitude." Khione from the other side was daydreaming but that gave me no advantage at the moment.

"Who? Do you think Aden will help you? Akhlys? I still don't understand why I am so important!" I scream from behind enraged, I honestly couldn't deal with it anymore.

"HA, those two were pawns, forced to do what she wants so they can be happy, no there is someone who plans to tear down Zeus once and for all. The Titans couldn't do it, but they will."
She has lost it, Akhlys is the one after me.

Curse of flames: Awakening (Book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora