Cafeteria Crisis

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       As I open my eyes dazed from what just happened and hoping it was all a dream, I hoped would wake up to see an ugly teacher staring me down for sleeping, sadly, I did not. I see a room on fire, burning really and the fire alarm going off. Notashino was crippled in a corner and Ms. Gradrem was missing, which was good. Seeing the teacher I hate turn into a snake thing is a little too much for me, so I start to think about mythology. I had thoughts, but it was stupid to think of mythology in this world. And being a demigod!? That thought just made me go crazy. I got passed the thoughts and run to Tashi, who was bleeding out badly. "Tashi, are you OK? We need to get you to the ambulance or something. I-I can't let you go too." I start to freak out. Then she points to her bag across the room.

       "Get my bag quickly, it has stuff that will help me, Basia." She wimps in pain and I run to the bag. Then I heard an unfriendly, annoyed voice. "BASIA, YOU HAve made thisss way harder than it needed to be, so you can die now!!" In the corner of my eye, I see snake woman dive at me. I throw the bag towards Tashi mere moments before I was slammed to the floor. While barely holding back the snake lady from biting my head off with her massive jaw, I keep looking back at Tashi as she use some medicine to help her get back on her feet (and hopefully not abandon me). I close my eyes for one second because of the sudden smoke getting in them only to hear the snake lady screaming in pain.

       "Basia, we need to go now!!" Notashino grabs my arm and we dart off. Running through the halls of fire I start to wonder how I did that. Anger took over when I shot the blast, and now my school is burning down because of me. We take a turn, but end up in the cafeteria. "Okay, Beige, we need to kill it. Are you going to help me?" Tashi says, surprisingly calmly. "Uh, first off, WHAT THE HELL IS IT!? A-and second, yes, but you need to explain everything after we survive. If we survive."For all the trouble I've gotten into, I say this feeling like this is the end for us. I have always been hunted. Never accepted other than by Notashino, who, to be fair, was kind of was forced to because she got left on her own when her dad went overseas. She is my only family anymore. 

       "Heh, okay, Beige, that was a Dracaena or a- never mind you know what those are since you study mythology anyways, I'll tell you the rest after we kill it. I need you to use that fire again, just focus power to your hand and blast it when I yell to, OK?" Tasha tells me in a very serious tone I rarely hear. I shake my head in agreement as she takes off behind a bunch of tables and I'm left in the open.

       "I ssssee your protector has abandoned you, ssshe is smart to do that since you're useless now. You will be a good lunch." Snake lady slithered towards me and I look around hoping for a sign. I was against the wall and she was now approaching. Then, I see Tashi behind the monster giving a thumbs up. I push all my pressure to my hands and out came a huge blast of fire spiraling towards the Dracaena and it send it flying backwards towards Tashi, and her daggers appear. Tashi slices the dracaena in half and it turns to dust. Before I had the time to celebrate killing a thing that shouldn't be real, I hear loud voices calling from people who are trapped. 

       Notashino grabs my arm and takes of going the other way from them. "Tashi, ow your grip- where are you going?!?" I stammered. "Somewhere I don't want to go to, but for your safety I shall. Now, you have to follow me and listen." she says, sounding serious and pissed. We get behind the school where we aren't seen and Tashi whistles really loudly and nothing happens. 

       "Uh, Tashi, not-" before I could finish, a figure zoomed by, almost spinning me in circles and then I see a white with black maned Pegasus. I guess Notashino saw my mouth drop and she starts laughing. "Beige, this is Monochrome, she will take us to Camp Half-blood and I will explain most of what is going on along the way. Well, you ready?" She sends a reassuring smile that was hard to say no to, so I hop on and as soon as Tashi said, "Half-blood please." We took off at a high speed.


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