f0oD b1tcH

21 1 0

¤3rd person POV¤

Sero was dropped off at the nearest Mac Donald's with all of his stuff and new information. "So they didn't want me exactly" the boy whispered to himself before walking into the fats food restaurant. He walked up to the counter to be met with a rather short and tired girl, well not really tired it's more like she's bored.

"Hi! What can I help you with!" The girl exclaimed happy to see a new face. "Hi. Can I get one big mac, two spicy chicken sandwiches. And three happy meals, two for them for Male's please. Oh and one of the male happy meals have chicken nugget instead. Please" sero said before taking out his wallet "Sure! That'll be 14.26 please" sero handed the girl his card and punched in the passcode "ok I'll call you when it's ready" "thanks" "my pleasure!" The black haird boy took a seat and pulled out his phone. "Dead, great"

A minute later and sero was called up to get his food. "Have a nice night, oh and I put in a little something for you wife" the girl gave sero a wink before he left. "My wife?" He mutterd to himself before looking at the two bags of food in his arms. "Oh" it does look like he just bought enough food for his family of six. He grabbed his draw string bag that Toga gave him and put the food in to making sure not to crush anything.

The tape user made his way back to the hotel but decided to stop at a near by gas station. He walked in and was greeted by a bell. The boy walked to the back and grabbed five different drinks. A coke for kirishima, tea for mina, Sprite for bakugo, Mt dew for tor and a fanta for kaminari. Before walking to check out. There was a small line though. There was only two people in front of him though.

One so happens to be a fairly short yellow haird boy. 'Damn this kid looks familiar'. The lady was done paying for her things making the small blonde boy walk up placing a small snickers bar and the counter. "Is that all?" The cashier asked "yes." 'Oof he even sounds familiar' "1. 36 please" the blonde placed his card in and punched in his number. Once that was done he was handed his snickers and he walked outside.

Sero paid for the drinks and had them put in a plastic bag before walking outside and looked around hoping the boy was still here somewhere. The boy was indeed still there but his was leaning back against a bus stop that sat a bit from the gas station. Running to the bus stop sero stood next to the boy. Looked at his face then just smiled.

The blonde boy felt as if someone was staring at him and like any other fucking human he turned to where he felt it was coming from.

Dual Honey eyes looked into sparkling charcoal orbs. The two stread at each other for a bit till the honey eyes widened. "SERO!" The boy yelled before throwing himself onto the other "hey kami" sero said in a soft and gentle voice. "S-sero! Wh-"a small sniffle interrupted the shorted male. He was crying. "Hey hey, don't cry. I'm ok, I wasn't hurt one bit I promise" sero said to reassure the smaller male. "Bu-but" "no but's"

And at perfect timing the bus came with a screech. "Let's go" sero said grabbing the males hand and pulling him onto the bus. He paid for the two then took a seat. "So what happened?" Kaminari asked "well the L.O.V took me" there was silence "WAIT! What!?" Kaminari looked at sero frantically and is asking what happened. "I'll tell you when we get to the hotel" sero said looking down at the boy with a smile. "But" "nope" kaminari crossed his arms and sat there with a pout on his face.

The bus ride was about a 27 minute long ride but once they got to the hotel they when to the room but stopped. "Sero?" "I don't have the key card" they just stood there in silence "OH YEAH! I have one" the boy exclaimed. After pulling the key card out his back pocket denki opened the door and walked in happily.

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