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~Kaminari's POV~

I ran out of the mall trying to remember which way we came in from.

'The others are probably confused' and so are you. I know the sero wasn't their because sero had gotten a gift for me scene I get lost easily. Sero asked momo if she could make bracelets that track your pulse and your location. If your pulse starts to get faster you know that the other is stressed or scared. Theres a button that you can press if you lost and it sends your location to the other.

"Fines tree st"  'that's about ten (10) minutes from here'

I had passed minas car as I began running  faster. Will I be able to catch him? Who took him and what's wrong? Questions started to swam my mind like a swarm of bee's

'Ding' "connection lost!" I stopped running and looked at my wrist. "No not now!" "C'mon you stupid thing!" Tears started to form in my eyes. Looking around I didn't recognize my surroundings at all. I lifted my head up to read the street name on the stop sign. 'Micsol?'  I six (6) minutes away. Why now!!  I don't even know where I'm at or how to get back....."maybe....maybe I should go back to the hotel" 

"If I could find it"

~sero's POV~

/flash back/

I had gotten off my hidning spot which was the roof and I was now on the second floor. I decided walking around was the best option scene kaminari will be stuck on the first floor for a while.

"You cant just do that!" "Why not?~ " "you psycho ass bitch, you'll get us caught."  "But kiri is nice!" 'Kiri huh?' "Toga you cant just, ugh never mind." "YAY!" 'Toga? Then who was the other voice?'  Me, sero am not concerned with the L.O.V as much as the others why might you ask. It's because I associated with more villain than hero's.  Yes the L.O.V does kinda scare me but what they do is none of my business unless it involves my friend. Which it does now.

'I'll ask him later'

"Hey." I stop as someone called out to me. Turning around i looked the person in the eyes. It was dabi. "Yeah?" I asked casually not really all the bothered by the guy. Honestly he reminds me of someone. "Did you hear" dani asked with a straight face. "Hear you talking about kiri with toga. All I heard was the end part of the conversation" I said as i turned around and began walking away.

Some jackass decided to just grab my shoulder forcing me to turn around. "Why aren't you screaming and making a scene?" Dabi asked. Honestly I really dont give one fuck about what you guys do. "Because I dont give a shit" i shook my shoulder out of his hand as I turned around again. "Oh! You sero-kun right?!" Toga asked. I really don't wanna deal with this. I turned around a gave a smile "yes that's me" "you friends with the blonde boy right?"  'Ah! This is why they were talking about Kirk' "depends. You really have to ask him that, Not me." "Well would you like to come with us" "no" "why?!" The blonde girls whined "because I just want to sleep"

Well I was dragged out then drugged. These people really have no chill.

/end of flash back/

I am currently sitting in a chair cross lagged as the L.O.V sat or stood around me, making more of an half oval.

"So why am I here again?" I asked

"You don't need to know that" chappy ass said


"Why was I drugged?"

"Because you wouldn't have came then" dabi answered this time

"Makes scenes"

"Why aren't you scared?" Toga asked

"You don't need to know that"


"If I were to take a nap would you kill me?" I asked with a yawn to end off

They all looked concerned and confused at each other. They also took all my belonging so that sucks.

"No?" They all answered.

"Can I at least vape please, or do any of you have a joint?" I asked. Dabi stood up and walked into a back room and came back with two joints and a lighter. He passed me a joint and he light the small box. Putting the drug next to the flame it caught fire so I put it between the lips and took in a breath then exhaling it with a sigh.

"I'd rather be high then alive" I said as a foggy cloud erased everyone from my sight




"You a todoroki aren't you?" It wasn't really a question it was more of a statement then anything


"Your eyes and the way you act. By the way your scar helped."

"Aren't you observant."

"Not really. I just know how to read people. Well most of then."

"Who can't you read?"

"Dead people."

Togo started laughing and then I took another hit from the rolled up drug.

"You're a funny one." Toga chuckled out

"And you're a weird one"

"By the way, why can't I do back. Like you guys could drug me then put me in some ally and leave me to get raped or something" shigaraki was gonna speak before the gate man did "sero, do you need therapy?" "No. It's a waist of money." Sero looked at his sleeve then realised he was bored. Rolling it up and put the hot smoking joint to his skin and a sizzling noise was hear. I slightly hissed in pain. "It's been quite Long scene I last burned myself" I accidentally said out loud. You wanna know something funny though. The L.O.V looked absolutely modified. I finally throw the toxic drug in the floor and rubbed my shoe against it.

"You have problems." said shigaraki

"And you do too. Now can you let me go?"


So I was let free. I got all my stuff back and I was dropped off at the nearest McDonald's

It's been two hours because it was now 20:05 (8:05)

Today was pretty boring.....honestly life is boring.


Ok so like I'm really fucking sorry about how sero and bakugo are really ooc it's not internal trust me. And I will make a fillet because this plot is just...all over the place and i feel like i should stop with this book but then i really dont want to. So let me know if you enjoyed it k?

But that's all

Bye bye!


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