☆~memories and the note~☆

495 16 1

A/ N
Befor you read be the following has
• Abuse
• mortality

If these are sensitive subjects to some people. I am deeply sorry but later in the story it will get better.
I'm writing this In school and out of some sadness but ye.... my sister had re read it and told me things I needed to chang. And this is my first story so it wont be the best but thank you for reading buh bye~

* dream pov*
It was then.... the child sitting calmly in the field. Look at the stars slowly breathing. Then a tear rolls down the chilled cheek as he sees his...dead mother... laying in his arms. The dark man just a shadow, an unknown figure. He takes a knife and *

*kirishima 3rd person*

Kirishima wakes up tears streaming down his face as he's shacking with sorrow and fear of the past that still haunts him. Kirishim looks to his right where his side table stands.


"I have quite some time befor school starts" kirishina says quietly with a hint of fear in his voice as his tears dry up and his blankets of socked with tears. He slowly gets up making his way past his father room with more and more fear passing him. Kirishima gets to the bathroom to quickly shut and lock the door. With a sigh of relief he walk to the sink. Looks at the mirror to see what reflected "a pathetic loser" kirishima says with an all so small smile that quickly fades to see his mothers necklace "it wasn't your fault eijirou, it was that man........" the last words of his mother echoes in his head, ringing, aching. With more tears kirishima turns on the Fossett and cold water meets his skin.


"Hmm guess I could get ready...." kirishima gets up from where he was sitting as he hears a "clank" eijirou flinches to the sound of footsteps make it's way towards him. "Hey ugh, you brat why didn't you wake me. Now you need to me punished"
Eijirou knew what was about to happen so he let his hangover father slowly walk over to him with a broken glass bottle. He hit it over kirishima's head causing him to bleed. His father's quirk is to make anything he touch harder and when he hits of throws an object it hurt 100x more. His father abused him for a good 30 minutes which gave kirishima only ten minutes to get ready and hurry to school before school starts

~Time skip to lunch~

*Bakugo's POV*
I was just sitting there looking out the window as everyone else went to lunch, to the next thing I know shitty hair was standing there with the dambass toothy smile of him, that fucking smile, the one that took my breath away and make my heart soft...WAIT WHAT THE FUCK WAS I THINKING "so the others and I wanted to know if you wanted to eat lunch together!" kirishima says with a huge ass smile. "Ye, no, why the fuck would I want to eat with a bunch of extras like you" I dont know why but it hurt, it hurt saying that to him. "..oh.. ok well cya" he quickly walks off. With....his head down? Now that I think about kirishima has been really off lately. He tried to hide it but with he fucking damn hair as a brain he didn't hide it well enough for me. I got up out of my chair to walk to the roof of the school which no one can be up there. But fuck rules I'll do as I please. I turn the doorknob only half way as I start to hear singing. 'Who the fuck is singing up here, and why the fuck are they so good' I questioned to myself onping the door just enough to see 'RED HAIR!' 'NO WAY THAT CANT BE KIRISHIMA' I opened it more to see spiky hair and pink, black, and yellow. 'Fuck, no way why are they here' "kiri you messed it up again you have to sound more happy and then sad" I sigh to hear pink fuck talking to shitty hair as she couldn't notice why he can't get a right note. I gave a loud sigh and walk back to the class room quickly to write a note and left it on kirishima's desk and sat down in mine. 'How the fuck did those fuck faces not notice his change in mood. IT WAS FUCKING OBVIOUS' I punch my desk and deku flinches back. "Eep! kacchan a-are you ok" deku says with that fucking look were he's scared but fucking worried. "WHY THE FUCK WOULDN'T I BE FUCKING DEKU GO BURN IN HE-!" I was cut off by half and half covering deku's ears "leave him alone bakugo" the fucking half and half opened his damn mouth "fuck you!" I tell then looked away with a "tsk"

*kirishima's POV* ~when mina told him something~

"kiri you messed it up again you have to sound more happy and then sad" I quickly turned to mina "ah I'm sorry I'm just really tired. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night" I say with a face to make it look as if I was tired but I really wasn't I just wasn't in the mood. "Sigh" I heard a voice sigh is the background and I'm guessing the others heard too by the way they looked to see who it was "Ah fuck class starts in five minutes we have to hurry" sero said as we all got up, picked up our things and made our way to the class room. When we got there I saw a piece of paper on my desk about to pick it up. "Dude I det it's from a girl" kaminari say with a smirk and a wink. I honestly don't care if it's a girl I just want to read the note but was interrupted "no way, it's a guy. Gotta be" mina says as she nods her head with a proud look for what ever reason "just let him read it" sero say. I would say thank you but... just really dont what to. I pick up the not and start to unfold it to the first thing I saw "~dont tell anyone~" the I looked at the rest of the note which read.

*bakugou's pov* ~before kiri walk into class~

Out of the reflection of the window I saw kirishima and the fuck faces walk into class. Kirishima and his signature toothy grin on his face while pikachu was talking to tape ass. Why, Why did it feel like I can see him cry through the window but when I look at him with my eyes he's fine. How long has he been faking everything

I'm leaving it here. Bc
1 I have a huge ass headache
2 I'm in school and need to work
3 I wanna be a bitch and leave it on a cliff
4 ehhhhh ye the headache really fucking hurts.
That's it for this chapter cya later . I have more planes for this story and I dont have an update schedule just yet but I will soon. I also plan to make the story's longer in weekends or after school when I have time but for the longer chapter I'm planning to so sad, scary, happy, romantic, tragic, comedy, or something of those lines. And if you want something added I'll try to add it but I'll make it my own k. AND TO THOSE WHO DON'T READ THE A/N I HOPE TO CATCH YOU ATTENTION WITH THIS €£¥₩°•□■♡◇●☆《》👏🙌...... I bet it didnt work... that's fine... I'm so not crying. Well bye loves and cya in the next chapter. Idk why I made it sounds like the ending to a YouTube video 😅but it did. Ye bye loves~

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