☆~the plan~☆

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☆kirishima's POV☆

The dream ended in a mystery once again but this time I wasn't crying nor screaming I....I was ok, for the first time in a long time. But why did I feel ok? What was so different about this dream that I didn't have the need to scream? I looked over to my right to see a clock that read 6:00. "Still have time before I gotta go to school" I sat up straight but then a sound echoed in my head bouncing around like it was Sato "ping!" I looked a little passed the clock to see my phone light up and show the I had just gotten a text from? 369-092-8331? Who was that. I grabbed my phone quickly opening it. "Hey shit face! Why the hell did you leave last night!" Oh.....its obviously bakugo........my dest friend the I had practically raped last night. So because I didn't want to talk to him I just saved his number under bakubro

I turn off my phone while sitting it back down on the sidetable letting my feet dangle off the bed. After about two minutes of just thinking and feeling as if I was drowning in guilt consuming me as a new fear starts to take form I get off the bed making my way to the washroom with my bag in hand. I open the door to the washroom and start making my way to the sink. I take out a small bag the hid at the bottom if my bag it was my hygiene bag. I grabbed my toothbrush and started to brush my teeth, wash my face, style my hair to its sticky form, change out of my old school clothes into some fresh ones. I walk out of the washroom going back to the bed but I stood right In front of the sidetable to grab my phone and room key I turn back on my phone to be immediately hit with notifications from bakubro....."sigh" i look at the time and it's now 7:00. "Does take about 39 minutes to get to school from here...m....I'll go now" I once again grab my bag and walk out of my room making my way to the lobby but I remember I haven't eaten. "Fuck...." I began digging into my bag looking for my wallet once I find it I began counting how much money I had......"7 dollars...... I'll just get a quick snack" I walk out of the hotel making my way to a gas station that was about 5 blocks away. After I get my snack I immediately check the time "7:20 I need to hurry"

☆small time skip to class school still hasn't started☆

☆bakugo's POV☆

I just sat at my deks for about 45 minutes before people started to flood the classroom and block the doors. I scanned the room for sticky red hair but failed so I just looked out the window with my earbuds in and playing random songs from a playlist. "Bakugo. Helloooooo. Bakugooooo. Hey! Hey bakugo!" "What the hell do you want!" I didnt look away from the window because you could already tell who it was "well mina wanted to ask you a question but she cant walk so I was wondering is you can go to her, shes outside the class room" fucking pikachu "........fuck off" "please dude it's really important" he just kept begging and pledging and honestly is was getting so fucking annoying "fine" I got out of my chair and walk to where pikachu said pink fuck would be. "Ah thank for coming!" "Just ask the damn question, I dont have all day" "mhm.......so I wanted you to help me get kiri to go out today......he's....he'd been really weird lately and he's seemed so depressed yesterday. But everytime we ask he ignored the question and when we ask hin to hang out says he had something to do" so I wasn't the only one that noticed...then how many did notice "alri-" fuck "hmm bakugo?" "He's coming." I whisper to pick fuck as quietly as I could. Her facial expression had a hint of fear but then it faded into a smile "THANKS BAKUGO YOU'LL ME A BIG HELP WITH HOMEWORK TODAY!" Why the fuck was she yelling so fucking loud. "Ye whatever" I walk back to my desk and kirishima was just walking up to used bubblegum "so will you hel- " "shut up he's coming" I barked at circuit board he just walked away with a nod.

☆3rd person because why the hell not☆

♡×~A/N I'm really fucking sorry. I just stoped writing after two days 1☆because I didn't know how I wanted to finish this chapter off. But I know what I want to do for the next one. 2☆some fucked up things happend to me so I was rather busy for most weeks. 3☆I'm sick and when I get sick I get rather annoyed easily and cant think straight although I'm pan. So ye. But I'll make it up. Just choose one of the following



☆sad story☆

☆two updates☆


"ss" mean surprise special. Plz vote which you want And again sorry. Ok I need to stop. So bye. I guess..... ye bye♡

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