Chapter 23: Surprise!

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Jace's POV:

I wasn't sure what to think. I'm literally seeing double of my dad! I think Gabby is just as confused as me. Dad seemed to be arguing with... his look alike. Or maybe it was the other way around?

"I don't get it! I told you I'd bring her and yet you still had to get some infamy on me, didn't you, Brian?" The other responded,

"Please, it's not like I can trust just your word after what you and Notch did. I had to have a backup plan."

"A backup plan?!" The first blurted.

The other calmly responded, "Yes, I noticed you two trying to block off every End portal. After a stunt like that, I wouldn't be surprised you'd pull something similar with Jace." I could barely take the bickering any longer. I chimed in,

"Can you just tell us what's going on? Which-ever one of you two is my dad." They both began to talk but they both stopped themselves and looked at each other. One nervously smiled, the other chuckled to himself.

"So, that was it? You let pure jealousy take over? Not for any desire to protect her from an evil you made up in your mind?" Steve, my actual dad (unless I remembered his name incorrectly, which I doubt), was about to respond, though I had interrupted him with a question I meant to just ask in my head,

"Is it even possible to have two dads?"

They both immediately responding with an abrupt, "no!" Gabby chuckled with a response,

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you two are twins. How Steve would hide the fact that he has a brother named Brian though, I have no idea."

"I never wanted to hide him." Steve admitted guiltily. He looked over at Brian. "And I never wanted to hurt you. I never wanted to take your daughter despite jealousy. But... Notch is right to say you are unstable... were. I... can see now how you've changed." I... am not entirely sure what to believe nor how to react.

Brian was silent in thought. Gabby broke the train though when she asked him, "the more I think about it, the more I hear 'Brine' instead of 'Brian', stupid, I know. And I don't mean to compare you to like, literal brine, but-" she was cut off,

"I see what you're inferring, in that case you'd be right." Gabby stared at him confused. "Maybe this would help you understand." He looks at the ground and did something to his eyes then when he opening them again, they started to glow. My heart skipped a beat.

He dropped the plastic on the ground making a comment like, "I have more at home." My chest tightened, something clicked. It rang a bunch of bells in my head. I kept thinking about the pickaxe. Lightning. The eyes. Electricity. I need more. I need more. Glowing. I can't think straight. I need more. I heard Gabby's voice, but I couldn't make it out. Get me out of here!

More voices flood my audible sense. I can't understand any of it. My vision's blurry. I reached and clawed at the obsidian, it's no use though. I can't think. I can't do anything else. Help. Help me. Help me please!


I'm on the ground. I can't think. I can't hear. I can't feel. Can't speak. Can't see. I'm losing the fight of life. I...

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