Chapter 4: Gabby and Alex

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Herobrine's POV:

I looked where some bushes were, obviously someone was hiding behind them, because I saw specks of orange and green through the leaves. I was debating in my mind rather to ignore them or walk up to them, acting like Steven.

"What is it?" Jace asked, breaking my thoughts, having me to decide to ignore them.

"I thought I saw someone. But, it was just a parrot." I lied. As soon as she explores I'll find out who's there.

"Father, how long will we be in... the Overworld?" I thought about what Lane had said as I looked back at Jace.

"Until nightfall." I understood her confusion when I said that. "When the yellow orb in the sky dissapears and a white rock appears." I clarified. Her confusion seemed to clear with my explanation. "Why don't you explore until then? I'll catch up with you later." She nodded as she started walking off into a forest. I let her walk as I looked back at the bushes and walked up to them.

Jace's POV:

"Why don't you explore until then? I'll catch up with you later." Father said. I had so many ideas after this. I instantly walked into the forest I first saw, I didn't run, so attention wouldn't be caught onto me.

The first thing I saw was darkness with speckled light shining through the leaves. And then, I saw a poor player who looked like they had been decayed throughout years and years of rot. I've only seen players a few times at home, it was rare for them to come.

I walked up to the player while grabbing a potion from my back pocket, a potion of healing. The player without a name tag started walking towards me with it's arms up in front of them. I felt so bad for them having to deal with the rotting pain so I opened the lid and splashed it onto the player, and it moaned in pain.

It didn't make sense, I was trying to help them and it actually hurt them?

"Heads!" I heard a girl shout from behind, I turned around to see her holding a bow, it was aimed towards me. I quickly ducked as the girl shot the rotting player, then lit it on fire with the flaming bow as it died behind me.

"What...?" I dazed off

"Throwing healing potions at a zombie without a weapon is not the best strategy." She answered a non existent question. I stood up extremely confused as I was able to examine her more. She had orange hair and green eyes, she was wearing a light green tank top and a brown skirt that seemed to be torn from battle. I caught up with my thoughts after my observation of her,

"Zombie...? I was just trying to help the player." She lightly laughed.

"Is it day one of your new Minecraft journey player?" What?

"Uh I'm not a player, and what's Minecraft?" Her humored expression turned into a confused and serious one as she walked up closer to me.

"What was your hair color originally?" A random question...

"Brown..." she seemed to be dazed in examining me further as she walked around me.

"Brown hair... blue eyes... not a good fighter and strategist... no name tag" she gasped then continued. "You're Steve's daughter! Oh wow I didn't even know Uncle Steve had a daughter!" I was extremely confused now.

"I'm not-"

"Oh right you probably have no idea who I am, my name's Gabby!" She cut off.


"Yeah, I guess since you're Steve's daughter that makes us cousins!"

"I'm actually Herobrine's daughter..." she paused and looked at me for a few seconds then broke into hysteria.

"That's a- that's a good one!" She laughed, barely able to speak. "Everyone knows- that Herobrine's just a legend!" I didn't even bother anymore with this. I mean I knew Father wasn't a legend but maybe I just got his name wrong... I never use it anyways...

"So if I'm Steve's daughter, how does that make us cousins?" She caught her breath as she wipes away tears of joy from her eyes.

"Because I'm Alex's daughter and Steve and Alex are brother and sister. I could go on and on about the family tree but I think you get the idea."

"Yeah I guess so..."

"Anyways I told my mom I'd meet her up in the forest but she might have got caught up in something."

"We could check if you want." I responded. Gabby looked the way I came and nodded.

"Yeah let's go!" She then started running to where she looked as I followed close behind.

???'s POV:

So that girl is Steve's daughter... I wonder how he was able to hide her for so long. Steve started walking toward the bush I hid in, I was planing to run as soon as he came. And he eventually did. He pulled the bushes apart as I sprinted away but he ended up grabbing my wrist before I could get away.

"Alexandria, what are you doing here?" Aw man I'm caught. But Alexandria? I turned back and replied,

"Since when have you called me that? We're just brother and sister you don't have to be so formal." He let go of my wrist then stood up, I stood up too.

"Right... but you still didn't answer my question."

"Oh... well..." I lightly laugh then continue, "since it's your birthday I was going to throw a surprise party at your house. The one in the forest."  He looked into the forest and responded,

"Ah yes... well I can act surprised for you and the others you invited if you want."

"That'd be amazing, thanks so much Steve!" He nodded back as he saw his daughter and Gabby come out of the forest, which I now saw too.

Gabby's POV:

I ran out of the forest with... actually I never caught her name...

"I forgot to ask... what's your name?" She looked at me as we continued running and answered,

"Jace." That's such a pretty name, I'm so jealous now. We continued running until the forest ended and it turned out that Mom was caught by Steve! Aw man...

"Hey Mom, what happened?" Jace looked at my mom then at her dad, not saying a word.

"I'll explain later, we should probably leave Uncle Steve with her daughter. He probably brought her out for a reason, I don't want to mess with that." Mom and I then walked into the forest to finish preparing.

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