~5~The True Monster

Start from the beginning

"We have Vespera! She sits in our chains!" Sophie called out in the darkness.

"That may be true. But for how long?"

Sophie turned pale.

"And, honestly," The window to the room flew open, revealing to the sunrise to a panicking Sophie.

"I think the witch is the last of your worries." Elrond laughed, waving around Sophie's throwing knife in his fingers.

"Dawn," Sophie whimpered. The Neverseen are attacking Enternalia now, gods, they were outside the borders now.

"NO!" Sophie screamed, but Elrond suddenly swarmed out from the darkness, his wings swooping him into the air above Sophie. He tackled Sophie, pushing her to the ground. Sophie growled, Elrond pushing all of his weight on her to restrain her. Sophie squirmed in his hold, but his grip was immovable. Sophie tore through her moral layers, pulling out every shred of her Pancras form. Her hair turned a snowy blond, almost looking white. Her nails grew into claws, ripping into the wooden floor as Elrond continued to restraining her. Her eyes turned bright gold, as bright as smoldering fire, her mouth opening to growl as her canines turned into fangs.

 Her eyes turned bright gold, as bright as smoldering fire, her mouth opening to growl as her canines turned into fangs

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 (Don't ask my her makeup is still perfectly intact. It's water proof ish. IDK it's my story and her makeup is still on fite me)

Elrond cursed at the sight of Sophie, who reached up behind her and pulled him off her with sheer Pancras strength. She threw Elrond into the desk, roaring as she did.

"ELROND! SIR-" Sophie glared at the lock of the door, using her telepathy to slide the lock into place. With a whip of her hand, she froze the lock, and the door handle solid. The Neverseen guards outside tried to break down the door, roaring for Elrond to respond to them. Elrond paid them no attention, panting and glaring at Sophie. Sophie turned her attention back to him. Her father flashed before her eyes, his kindness and laugh, the one who was always there for her.

And the man standing before her, the gods damned bastard, took him from Sophie.

Elrond pounced, surprisingly dropping Sophie's knife from his hand, as he reached for her neck. Sophie pivoted, her Pancras form practically slowing time for her as she analyzed him. She brought her knee to his chest, flinging him back. He snarled, his wings unfurling from his back, wiping the blood from his mouth. Sophie cursed as he moved too fast for even her Pancras form to comprehend. He grabbed Sophie's neck, picking her up and throwing her into the bedside tables and wall, the poor wooden furniture crushing under her. She roared, her Pancras form making the shattered wood feel like pins and needles. Sophie shook off the pain, her eyes practically burning bright golden fire. Elrond met her eyes, but just for a moment, he hesitated, glancing out the window, and Sophie realized just what he was doing.

He was stalling her.

So she wouldn't join the fight at Eternalia. Elrond pounced again, but Sophie brought her legs up, sparking her feet with lightning, and pushing him back, a cry roaring from her lips. Elrond flew back, landing on the floor with a smack. The door burst open, Neverseen rampaging through the door. Sophie picked herself up and vaulted out the now open window.

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