This was because Fina's father, the current King of Silverstorm, King Elias, had made an official proclaim whereby he had opened his door for any young men between 17 to 23 years of age to dare to dream of becoming his daughter's suitor, and eventually the consort to the next Queen in line. A ball will be held soon to invite men and people from across horizons to commemorate the young Princess's birthday as well as welcoming the potential suitors that will have to vie for the Princess's affection.


"Oh my, aren't you excited for tonight, Scar?"

Fina raised from the bedside and walked across the room's window, admiring the sunlight showering into her chamber. In her light blue nightdress and her long wavy brown hair untied and uncombed, basking under the sun, she truly looked like a pure maiden sent from above.

"Hmm...if you meant by the food, then yes, I am looking forward".

Scarlet sipped her tea as she still sat on the other bedside. Her shoulder-length tousled gray and dark hair covered her scarred side from time to time, but she hadn't combed them and they're a nuisance for her to dine or read. She even blew her hair away before sipping her tea.

With how the sun was shining brightly outside, the two ladies were considered rather late in waking up on this so-called important day.

Despites the upcoming ball that would be held tonight, the two friends were studying into the late night – drafting and discussing ways to improve the Kingdom's overall health and wealth, things they would like to bring forward in the round meetings. After all, they were both important people who have duties to their people.

Princess Fina who has a peace to maintain and who loves her Kingdom and the people dearly. And Captain Scarlet who feels indebted and grateful for the new home she found here in this Kingdom and who has grown to love this place almost just as much as her companion.

Fina chuckled at Scarlet's flat response. "Well, I'm looking forward to meet new people, who knows there might be a prince in disguise", she said dreamily.

Scarlet did not hesitate to roll her eyes at such statement, "There's bound to be a lot of princes in disguise, that's for sure. And wolves and snakes and the rest of the creatures in the foodchain..." Scarlet ticks off one by one through her fingers before Fina threw a cushion at her.

"Don't jinx it!"

"My apology, dear. Whatever it is, Happy Birthday, Fina", Scarlet stood up and went up to Fina and clipped an ornament on Fina's hair.

They turned to the dressing mirror and on Fina's hair, adorned a jade-studded hairclip, purely made out of jade stones.

Fina gasped, "I am going to wear this clip tonight". She then turned and embraced Scarlet. "Thank you, thank you Scar. You don't' have to but it's lovely".

"It was either this or a bejeweled blade but you already had one I think", Scarlet explained with a smile, delighted that her friend seemed to like the gift. "And I sincerely hope you may find an amazing suitor I can claim as a friend and brother, just as I have the honour to claim you as a dear friend and sister".

"I too hope we get to meet good men who can be your brother, outside your warrior circle, and maybe your lover..." at the last part Fina winked, in which Scarlet played it off with a snort of laughter and disbelief. But despites that, Fina noticed the tint blush in her friend's tanned face. After all, between the two of them Fina knew Scarlet was a pure maiden at heart despites being a ruthless Captain, or at least that was what the rumor about her friend was said, her heavy association with men in the army somehow did not warrant any romantic relationship let alone a mere gossip.

Beautiful ScarOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant