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excuse any mistakes

Jamie had really outdone herself  hooking me up. She did my makeup to cover the scratches and redness around it, popped her latest lashes on for me and even brought my curly wig back to life! Needless to say, I felt a lot better than what I felt. She even found an outfit for me to wear since I still ain't move a lot of my clothes from the house.

After me and her cried for about 30 minutes, me, her and her aunt all agreed to look for a black therapist that I can start going to. She even made plans to add me on her insurance so the co-pays and shit wouldn't be that expensive.

I couldn't tell you what family felt like, but I knew what it was feeling like.


"Man, Mrs. Martin better chill all that shit out 'bout holding me back! Ain't nobody tryna be no chemist so iont know why she makin it a big deal that I don't know how to read the scientific table."

"She got a point tho, Jamie." I interjected, putting my binder in my clear bookbag with cheetah stitching. 

"What is it then? Cause if she fail me i'll rock her shit." Jamie snapped, rolling her eyes as we walked down the steps of our school.

It was 2:30 and all the students was bumrushing out but me and Jamie liked to hang out and talk our shit before heading home.

We sat on the concrete slab in front of the school, throwing both our bags down with an exhausted sigh.

"Jamie you got all Bs and a high D in Biology, I think Mrs. Martin just don't want to see you fail." I replied with concern, my eyebrows furrowing as the sun beat down on us. I ended up shielding my face frrom it with my phone. What help that did.

"Tsk!" Jamie just huffed and pulled out her phone, pouting her lips. "I just ain't been focused. Since all that shit went down with BG my mind just  been all over the place. And I promise you if I find out the dirty bitch who he slept with she going to see the back of my hand quicker than New Orleans saw FEMA." she spat. 

"Fuck him, girl." I rubbed her arm slowly, gripping it reassuringly. "That nigga ain't worth all that stress. You bout to finish school and remember we talked about going up to Atlanta together so you can go to esthetician school? You got shit goin' girl fuck-"

"Is that the girl, Marcy?"

Both me and Jamie looked up to see two hispanic girls in full uniform walking towards me. One girl looked like a dyke, she had her hair undercut and from where I was sitting I think she had a face tattoo and wore boy clothes.

The other girl was a real prissy lookin' bitch. Her hair down her ass and uniform clothes too tight and dancing on dress code violations from here to Wynwood. 

"Yes, Papi, That's her

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"Yes, Papi, That's her. That's the girl who told BG to rape me!"

"Rape?!" Jamie and I both got up off the slab with a look of disbelief.

"Bitch, who tellin' niggas to rape you?" Jamie walked ahead of me to meet the girls. "If anything, you the bitch I'm looking for to smash they face in for giving me fucking Chlamydia!"

The girl Marcy face got white, but she shook it off and continued on with her act. "Don't believe them, Papi, She told BG to rape me because she thought I was trying to steal him away from her! Jazzy told me alllll about her and her little Puta Friend over there."

The dyke grilled me then Jamie, stepping forward as she dug in her pocket.

"Bitch," jamie laughed in disbelief. "Why the fuck you callin' her papi? She got damn near more titties than I do. If you got such beef bitch don't send your dog come at me yourself!" jamie was already ready with her mace in her hand.

"Jamie!-" I walked up, my own keyblade in my hand. "Don't do nothin' stupid, we still on school property."

"Fuck this school, this the bitch that fucked BG and got pregnant!"

The dyke stopped in her tracks and looked back at the girl Marcy with a dark stare. "You pregnant by this nigga?" oh, she one of those Hispanics. 

Marcy, her eyes wide and hands shaking defensively, tried to back up. "You're going to believe these girls over me, papi?" her voice was shaking. Yep, this was the bitch and Jamie just watched this hood novella play out.

"Fuckin' answer me!"

Before anything else escalated, a shiny black Camero pulled around the corner, its rims shining and music blaring.

"Is there a problem, ladies?" all three of us turned around to the dark figure who rolled down the windows and I personally felt my heart split in two.

"Is there a problem, ladies?" all three of us turned around to the dark figure who rolled down the windows and I personally felt my heart split in two

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It was Cut. 

Marcy must've known him herself because she made a beeline to his window and leaned inside for a few seconds before turning on her heel and walking right past me and Jamie.

"Bitch." was all we managed to pick up as she hurried off the opposite direction with her bulldog following behind her.

Me and Jamie was lookin lost as fuck but Cut pssting at us drew us back to reality.

"Aye, y'all come here for a second." Cut motioned his hand out the window invitingly.

"Girl, I'm not going. You go." and jamie plopped right back down on the slab, scrolling on her phone.

I took a breath, said a silent prayer and walked over to Cut's window.

"Wassup?" I tried to sound casual despite my heart going 100 miles per hour. This the first face to face converstaion me and Cut had since we met at the mall.

"Shit. I should be askin' you the same thang, ma. I heard bout what happen through the streets. You good?"

I shrugged my shoulders, not really caring to elaborate. "It is what it is, I guess."

Cut nodded, tapping his finger on the door of his car. "I know its gon be a lot to process but just know I ain't stop thinkin' bout ya 4real. How bout I take you and your homegirl home? You know they snatchin' girls pretty like you up like crazy nowadays." he smiled at me briefly before going back to a neutral face, his dark eyes focused on me to the point I felt transparent.

"I guess you right. But wouldn't your girlfriend be mad?" I said with a smile.

Cut smiled back at me, his golds gleaming and the corners of his eyes wrinkling in amusement. "Ion got no lady, ma. Unless you got a spot I can put an application in for." he tilted his head back and forth, licking his lips before smiling again.

"Nah, not open at the moment. I'm old fashioned so I like dinners and movies and shit." if I was white I guess this is where you start blushing.

Cut licked his lips again and nodded in silent agreement. "Alright, bet. First thing, lemme take you home. Sun startin' to set and the boogeyman starting to wake up in these streets."

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