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It took about 20 minutes for the Uber to find Jamie house because she lives in this complicated ass cul-de-sac across town and even I had problems finding it. Jamie don't even live with her parents, she lives with her Auntie who took her in cause she didn't wanna follow her parents silver-spoon rules.

Jamie wasn't always so hood-rich as she make herself out to be. She had both parents and lived in the suburbs but she always made her way down to the hood to fuck around with her grown-ass boyfriends who did nothing but sell dope all day and night. She would spend the night at her Auntie house and basically sneak out when she was sleeping and do her dirt. She would come home just before the sun came up and she would have gotten away with it if she wasn't so cocky about it and started taking that shit up to the suburbs.

Yeah, the security snitched on her and since she was under 18 at the time she had to wake her parents up and everything because the security didn't want to let her in. Some real fuck shit, I know. So her parents put her out and she moved down to her Auntie house. Her auntie don't ever be home since she work overnight at the hospital and sleep all day but she extended her house to Jamie and she been keeping under the radar for as much as I and her Auntie know. She been dating BG and I'm sure he put on the good boy act in front of her Auntie but he just barely make the cut for acceptable.

It is what it is. As long as she happy, I guess. But I warn Jamie all the time to stop gravitating around the hood cause its like a black hole and people would love to pull you in to get out. But her ass don't listen.

I still love her, but I worry about her. Her parents worry too and shit, they even got her a car even though she not living there. and it makes me wanna slap her cause she got it so good. She down her by choice while others down here by obligation.

But we gonna save that talk for another day.

I got out the Uber and thanked him before turning around and making a bee-line to Jamie window which was a little to the left of the front door. The Uber driver was still sitting there side-eyeing my behavior, tryin' to make sure I'm not some psycho who just dropped someone off to kill someone. When I knocked a few times and looked back att him my eyes must've told him to get the fuck on 'cause he peeled off so fast. '

Or it could've been when Jamie opened her window with no clothes on.

"Damn, Anais," Jamie said with a suck of her teeth, shielding her eyes from the 1PM sun. "Couldn't you have text me or somethin' I would've been gotten up."

I sucked my teeth with a swift roll of my eyes, no the fuck she didn't. "Girl, check yo phone! I been texting you since 9-somethin' trying to make a move with you since we ain't gotta go to school. Where you was?" I asked with a raise of my eyebrow. I already knew the answer and it was almost like my mind and her mouth synchronized.

"BG came over and fucked my ass to sleep." Jamie giggled while smoothing her frontal to a less fresh-fucked appearance.

"Giiiiiiirl, where's your auntie?" I got annoyed already with this BG shit, she got her head so far up his ass and her tonsils so close to his dick she ain't been caring about nothing else. Not even her oldest friends.


"You askin' too many questions girl, come in, I'll get ready so we can go." Jamie was smiling ear to ear before she closed the window, that nigga BG must have gave it to her right.

Shit at least someone is.


I sat down on Jamie bed as she walked back and forth from her mirror to her closet, trying on outfit after outfit while her hair was in a bun to stay out the way.

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