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It took the jury 4 hours that day to come to a decision. Back and forth the bailiff would check with them and each time they would come to a split decision. I'll remember that for the rest of my life. 4 fucking hours to determine if I was going to walk free or if I was going to die in that hell cell.

4. Fucking. Hours.

I stood in the courtroom reciting whatever prayer would come to my mind and meant every word. I could even hear the ants whisper that's how fucking quiet it was. Each hour that passed and the courtroom stayed full. I saw Mrs. Belinda old auntie-assed self. I saw Ana daddy in the back, silently nodding his head when we made eye contact. I saw bitches I used to fuck a few  times and never spoke to again. I even saw Jazzy ass bouncing her baby on her knee and staring at me with daggers in her pupils.

My mama sat directly behind me. I wanted to hug her so bad. I wanted to just stop her crying and tell her it was gonna be okay but truthfully I didn't know. Nobody fucking knew. And at the rate of the Jury they didn't know either.

My lawyer did his fucking duty. Presenting evidence after evidence to support my innocence. I could tell by the bags under his eyes that he was on everybody ass to make sure all receipts were in hand to return me my freedom.

Marquis I wish you could see this shit now. I know you smiling at me wherever you at. The second I get out of here I'm gonna visit your grave. I know you said you don't want no flowers at your site but-

"All rise!"

There it fucking go. My heart in my ears. The jury lined themselves up one by one as they filled their station slowly but surely.

"Your honor we have made a decision."

The judge glanced over at me and then at the Jury.

"And what is your decision?"

A scrawny Asian man held a single sheet of paper in his hands. My fate was in his hands and he couldn't even hold the paper still. He took a deep breath, skimmed over the text in front of him and spoke.

"We the Jury find the defendant Isaiah Williams-"

Everything around me went silent. I could hear a constant ringing around me. Everyone moved in slow motion to the point I thought the entire world stopped. My lawyer pulled me in for a hug and instantly everything sped back up to a realistic pace.

Relieved sighs echoed across the room and I could hear Mrs. Belinda repeat over and over "Thank you God. Thank you God. Your glory has reigned down again. Thank- You- God!"

"Wait, what happen? What did they say?" I asked, still wrapped in my lawyer's embrace as the Judge pounded his gavel down to calm the crowd.

"Not guilty, son. Not guilty." He tried his hardest to keep in his excitement that was coated in a rejoiceful sob.

"You're going home."

I'm going home. I'm getting the fuck out of here.

4 fucking hours. And I was found not guilty. In 4 muthafucking hours.

I'm going the fuck home.

I cried in my lawyers arms. I didn't give a fuck who saw. I wasn't 'bout to be a bitch to the system not a minute longer.

I glanced around the room one final time and saw a familiar face. She was in street clothes this time but I knew that beauty mark, round face, and almond eyes that held the prettiest brown hues from anywhere.

She had her hair silk pressed and pulled back in a ponytail that went past her shoulders. Her makeup was minimal but her lips were glossed and sexy as ever. Even sexier as our eyes locked and those same lips spread into a smile followed by a shy wave.

It was Trinity. All this time I thought me warning her ran her off. But there she was showing a nigga love.

"Order! Order in the court! Order!"

"Before I release both parties today let me just say this to you Mr. Isaiah," the judge removed his glasses and placed them in front of him. "I have seen multiple cases and some were in fact innocent while others were not. I may not know you further than today but I will say that from multiple character statements and written testimonials, multiple people have vouched for you. Multiple people have fought for you and multiple people believe in you, Isaiah. Do us, and myself a favor, don't let them down. Change your scenery and make those that fought for your freedom proud. I'm ordering you to remain in protective custody until your release date set 3 weeks from now. Case is dismissed. Don't let me see you in my courtroom again."

The judge gathered his folder, glasses and banged his gavel a total of 3 times.

"All rise!"

3 weeks flew by like nothing. I did my time, laid low and counted down the days. When I made my final walk through the prison corridor, I could sense niggas was made I was getting out but I ain't give a fuck. I'm a free man! I gave a mental middle finger all the way up to this fucking place. Especially Great Value fucking Gucci who was demoted to office bitch. His fat ass was the one who gave me my walking papers and the bag of clothes I came in with. My mama already made sure I was walking out of here fresh so I was already ready to toss this old shit in the garbage.

When I walked through those steel gates, I was greeted by not two but 3 of my favorite people. My mama, my baby sister, and  Trinity. It was so emotional and shit I had forgot for a split second I spent almost 9 months in this fucking place.

Needless to say, Trinity and I got closer. So close actually that we started to date. She ended up telling me that she was forced onto a different shift because GVG was spreading rumors that we were fucking when we clearly weren't But even with all that, she made sure I was good. She was even putting money on my books for commissary and shit.

I tried to get in contact with Ana but everything I had was going to voicemail. My mama suggested I leave it alone and I guess she was right. I still thought about her to this day and just hoped she was okay. I really did.

I still had more than enough money stacked up and I instantly heard that judge's words ring in my ears even months later. So much, that Zeke and I put our money together to open up a barbershop in Atlanta. I named it Sharpz and the shit took off. We even working on opening a 3rd location as we speak. I moved Trinity up with me and we started a whole life up here together. My homeboy looked out and helped her land a supervisor position at a correctional facility but she always talked about her dream of opening a Spa for pregnant women. She don't even know for her birthday tonight she's gonna have that money and, God willing, this engagement ring on her finger.

Oh shit, that's actually her walking through the door now. I don't know how to end these kinda stories but a nigga doing great and shit, trust.

Y'all be easy.


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