Chapter 11: Forgiven? - Forgiven.

Start from the beginning

And Haechan smiled back.

"When did I lost you?", Mark caressed his cheek and Haechan leaned into the touch.


It was a day without anything to do for the NCT members.

So after a whole day of just lying around and doing nothing, Haechan and Mark decided to watch a romcom in Haechan's room.

They were lying on Haechan's bed and laughing from time to time, when something funny happend in the movie. Or when Haechan would make a joke to see Mark's incredible smile.

Jaehyun would spend the night with an old friend. They were having a sleepover, since they have a lot to tell each other, because they haven't seen each other for months.

So Haechan and Mark were alone. They felt good, the movie was funny, the bed comfortable and they both loved spending time with each other.

But after some time, Mark did something Haechan would have never expected from him.

He initiated skinship.

And not just a little peck on his cheeks, no he wrapped his arms around Haechan and pulled him close. Really close. So close, Haechan could hear Mark's heartbeat and felt his breath on his face.

Haechan's cheek was now lying on Mark's chest and hesitantly Haechan also wrapped his arms around Mark.

Haechan couldn't believe this.
He was cuddling. With Mark.
Mark, the 'no homo', panicked gay, Mark.
What the hell was happening?

"Mark, not that I would mind, but why are we cuddling?", Haechan asked just above a whisper.

He was so shocked that he forgot the Hyung. And Mark was so caught up in the moment, that he didn't even realize.

"I just got a little sad and have felt like it.", Mark mumbled and nosed Haechan's hair.

Haechan looked up and in Mark's eyes.
"That movie is a romcom. How can it make you sad?", Haechan asked a little teasingly.

"Because in this movie it seems so easy to find love.", Mark answered with a sad tone.

Haechan was baffled.

"But in reality it is so difficult to find love. That is what makes me sad. Love is complicated", Mark continued.

"Of course it seems easy, Mark-Hyung. It is a movie. In movies everything seems a lot more easier than it is in reality.", Haechan gave Mark a sympathetic smile.

"I know, it is just", Mark sighed and pulled Haechan a little bit closer, if that is even possible. "We are idols."

And Haechan understood.

"How can we find someone, who deals with the hate of jealous fans; who can accept us being busy or being gone for weeks on tour? And especially how do we find someone, who likes us for being us and not because we are idols?", Mark asked and caressed Haechan's back.

Haechan didn't answer. He didn't know, what to say. Instead he started playing with Mark's fingers from his other hand.

They laid there for a few minutes in silence. Just enjoying the time, they spent together.

After a while Haechan broke the silence.

"Maybe love is not that hard to find, but maybe it is difficult to experience this love in a relationship.", he said, while staring in Mark's eyes.

Mark stared back.

After some time they fell asleep, feeling safe and cozy in each other's arms.

But what Haechan didn't expected, was waking up alone.
And when he finally found Mark, he was cold and distant.

How can a simple night change so much?

Flashback end

"Why were you gone the next morning?", Haechan asked.

"To be honest, I got panicked. I woke up with you in my arms and I didn't knew, what to do. It felt good but also so wrong. So I ran away, kind of. And I am really sorry that I did, because of that everything got worse.", Mark said and after all this weeks of frustration a single tear rolled down his cheek.

"Don't cry", Haechan wiped the tear away. "I forgive you."

"Really? Are you really forgiving me?", Mark looked deep in Haechan's eyes.

Haechan reciprocated the gaze. "Really. I am forgiving you."

Mark hugged Haechan really tight. Haechan almost couldn't breath anymore, which made him giggle, because he thought that Mark was really cute like that.

When they stopped the hug they both leaned a little bit back, looking each other in the eyes. Something they seemed to do often that night.

But Mark's focus suddenly slipped to Haechan's lips. And when he saw Haechan's eyes widen, he realized what he has done.

And then his gay panick got activated again.

He abruptly stood up and looked at Haechan.

Haechan looked kind of disappointed. And that let Mark came back to his senses.

He leaned down and pecked Haechan's forehead.

"We should probably sleep. Goodnight, Haechanie."

And with that Mark left a smiling Haechan behind and went to his room.

After some minutes Haechan also went to his bed.

This night the boys finally fell asleep quickly again and got the deserved deep slumber with just beautiful dreams, they definetly needed, after all this weeks of arguing.

Beautiful Time ~ NCT Dream (0T7) {Nomin, Markhyuck, Chensung}Where stories live. Discover now