Chapter 20: Punish

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Chase POV

Yesterday was amazing, I took Sahara on a date and it went well. She was still sleeping in her room so I didn't bother her. " Chase get down here now" I heard dad shouted. I quickly went down stairs to see my dad standing in the kitchen.

" da- " I was cut of by his hand. " having a witch here is one thing, don't get me wrong she's nice, but why, why didn't you tell me you two her dating" he said acting as if he was hurt. " Ah well you didn't ask" I replied. " " didn't ask, didn't ask, we haven't even had the father-son talk yet" he said. " come on let's take a walk" he continued.

" so do you like her " " yeah I do " " kl" " well, so you love her" dad asked. " I think so" " ok kl. " " Do you think about her all the time? " dad asked. " Yeah why" " Do you find yourself being with her forever like sole mates. " " yeah" I answered. " well your probably in love with her. " dad said.

I didn't really think about it, but after a long talk with dad it was true I was in love with her. Dad said I am still young so I wouldn't really understand it, but we'll both understand as our relationship grow. " I have to go to a pack meeting out of town so I have leave soon" dad said.

"I'm proud of you son " he said. " also your under punishment. " What why" I said. " Because everyone new about you and Sahara and I didn't, so go clean the mansion " dad said with a grin. " what, dad" I shouted. " Go" he warned.

I walked back to the mansion tense that I have to clean it " damn" I grumbled. " hey Chase" Evan called out. " hey bro" " why do you look so tense " Evan said. " dad told me to clean the entire mansion. I looked at Evan who had a big grin on his face.

" check this. " He took his spell book out and we both grinned when we saw a cleaning spell. We started at each other grinning as Evan started the spell. The mops and brooms came to life and started cleaning. " wicked" we said at the same time.

I left Evan to clean while I went to the kitchen were mom was. " hey mom" " hey son" " so like now you and Sahara are dating, you can move in her room if you like" " really thanks mom" " after all I am eighteen. " I grumbled. " did you say something? " mom said. " nope " I went to Sahara to tell her the news. She smiled as I entered her room. " hey babe" so mom said you can move in my room if you like" I told her although mom said it differently . I love my room and it's bigger. " hey that would be great. " She said as I missed her on the cheek.


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