Chapter 16: You chose me

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Chase POV

We took Sahara inside because she was still unconscious. While Evan went to clean up. I can't thank her enough for saving his life. It was night fall and I was starting to get concerned, Sahara has yet to wake up. We all sat in the living room waiting on her until her eyes open.

She slowly got up as we all watched her. " Sahara" Evan said. She looked at him and smile then turn to me and mom and dad. Mom quickly ran over to her telling her thanks for saving evan. She smiled and return the hug. "Thank you wit- I mean sahara" dad said after mom glared at him.

She smiled and started to stand but quickly fell in her knees, I quickly helped her and placed her back on the couch. " your weak" I said. " yes" she answered. " was it the spell? " " yeah, Evan did your eye color change? " she ask. " I don't know " Evan said " yes " I answered. " whenever he changed into his wolf form his eyes are yellow now it's bright silver " I told her.

" yes, it was the only way to save him. " She said. " What did you do?" dad asked. Sahara looked at him" I had to transfer some of my powers into him, not only he his a wolf but he's also part witch. " a hybrid " mom said while Sahara nod her head. We all looked at her with wide eyes only to hear a body fell.

We all turned to see Evan passed out. " he must have fainted after hearing that" mom said. " get him to this room, what's done is done still thank you for saving my son" dad said to Sahara. " You can stay here if you like" dad said as I looked at Sahara with a grin " separate room off course" dad continued. I rolled my eyes and took sahara to her room " thank you" I said to her. " For what"

" For saving my brother and choosing me" I said. She smiled and I close the door. Walking to Evan's room I opened the door seeing him looking through the window. " hey Chase" he said. I ran over to him and hugged him not wanting to let go. " Don't worry idiot! Am fine" he said. I could feel my eyes starting to get blurry.

I let go and look at him he smiled at me and told me that he's cool. " just so you know if you do that again I'm the one that's going to kill you" I hugged him again and left the room hearing him chuckling.


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