Now My Body's on the Floor and I am Calling Out to You

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"Thanks," I said as I took a big drink, my sunglasses hiding my tired eyes from the bright morning sun. We made our way in and I was glad to see I wasn't the only model involved in the shoot. After Frank introduced me to the editor and everyone else from the magazine I was shipped off to my dressing room where I spent the next 2.5 hours getting my hair and makeup done.

They really went all out for this one: they clipped in some extensions making my naturally long hair even longer, fake eyelashes, glitter; you name it, they put it on me. I didn't get really nervous until they handed me my wardrobe for the shoot: a lacy, black bra, and matching underwear. That was it.....nothing else. Everyone left the wardrobe room and I just stood there staring at the underwear feeling like I was going to throw up. I was really self conscious believe it or not, and being almost nude in front of strangers was making me nervous.

"First time without an actual wardrobe?" I looked up and saw one of the other models standing in front of me, a robe drapped around her.

"Is it obvious?" I cringed and laughed a little. "I've never done prints wearing this little before. It's freaking me out." She smiled and chuckled.

"I've been doing this for a while and I still get that way so no worries. I'm Amy by the way," she said smiling.

"Lyla. Nice to meet you," I responded. I heard my manager give me my 5 minute call from outside of the door.

"Well, I'll leave you to get ready. You'll do fine. Just try to have fun with it, it makes it easier that way." We smiled at each other. "Hey, I know we just met and all, but me and some of the other models are gonna go out tonight if you want to join us?" she shrugged her shoulders. I wasn't really in the mood to do anything tonight; I missed Vic and I just wasn't feeling it.

"Thanks for the offer, but I can't," I replied. "Maybe next time though?" I added. She grabbed my phone out of my hand and began to type her number into it.

"Sounds great. I'll get a hold of you next time. Nice to meet you, Lyla," she handed me my phone before walking out of the room. I tossed my phone into my purse and put on the lingere, pulling a robe over me before I opened the door, taking a deep breath to calm myself as I walked to the backdrop.

"Hi, Lyla, I'm Derrik, the photographer. You ready?" He smirked at me and I felt even more nervous than before; he was, that was an understatement. He was hot! He was young, which surprised me because most of the photographers I've come across had been old and creepy; he was neither of those things. I just smiled back before hesitantly dropping the robe to the floor.

The shoot took about 2 hours, and it was the most awkward 2 hours of my entire life. I couldn't make myself feel comfortable when I was posing and laying around in my underwear with about 20 sets of eyes on me. Towards the end I tried to take Amy's advice and 'have fun', and I let my guard down a little and let loose.

"There we go, Lyla! Just like that. Perfect!" Derrik shouted from behind the camera. "Alright, I think that does it. Great job. Alright everyone let's take a break before the next one. Be back here in an hour," he flashed me a big smile, making me feel uncomfortable again, and I rushed over to my manager holding my robe and slipped it back on. We said our goodbyes as he turned to leave, and I made my way back to the dressing room and took a seat at the counter in front of a big computer monitor that was already flashing my unedited pictures. I watched as all of the pictures moved across the screen, criticizing every single one like I always did. I heard a quiet knock at the door before it opened.

"Your manager ran off before I could give him your check so I guess it's going straight to you now," Derrik said as he walked into the room. He handed it to me and I thanked him quietly. "What do you think?" He asked motioning to my pictures still on the screen. He moved closer to me from behind as we both looked at the screen; he was so close at this point I could feel his warm breath on the back of my neck. "I for one think you look really sexy," he whispered in my ear. My eyes went wide. If I thought I was uncomfortable earlier.......

What's So Good About Picking Up the Pieces? (Vic Fuentes FanFiction)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat