t h r e e

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"is she dead??"

"shut the fuck up, she's still breathing."

"yoongi-ah, really?"

i heard mumbles. a lot of mumbles. i opened my eyes, only to see seven boys were sitting surrounding and looking at me like curious puppies.

i got really shocked. i got up to put my head against the headboard, but it hurts. hoseok reached for my head and back gently, eventually helping me to sit up. he gave me a concerned look.

"woah, relax. you're still injured, miss. you've hit your head really bad on the kitchen floor.", he said.

"it sounded like, THUD! and you were bleeding", the blond mullet guy gestured his hand to make a falling motion, his eyes widened.

hoseok snickered. "yeah, like that." he changed his eyes to me. "are you okay though?"

i held my head and noticed that my head was wrapped with a bandage. it hurts. so bad.

"ouch." i groaned.

"did that really hurt?", hoseok asked.

"no. im fine." i lied. i've already burden them with staying here. im not going to cause more problems.

"okay.", he smiled softly at me and stood up. "guys, she might be confused with us, so let's introduce ourselves. we start with namjoon."

the silver-haired guy got up.

"hi, im namjoon." he smiled and i noticed that he got dimples. cute.

"you might already know me, im worldwide handsome kim seokjin. call me jin.", he winked.

"ew hyung." his head turned to me. "yoongi.", his mint-colored hair covered his forehead, but not enough to cover his eyes. he didn't even smile, made me a little bit scared by him.

"dont be too cold, hyung.", hoseok told, smiling. "im hoseok, your hope.", he said and i saw that heart-shaped grin again.

"park jimin. nice meeting you.", he smiled softly. the light brown-haired guy. he got a pair of tired-looking eyes. but he's still handsome.

"im kim taehyung." he scratched the back of his neck shyly and gave me his boxy smile. he looked so cute with that mullet.

"im jeongguk. hello!", he said. how the hell do you describe a big baby? he smiled and saw his cute bunny teeth.

"ah, hello you guys.", i smiled to all of them. im really lucky of not getting kidnapped already.

"thank you so much for accepting me." i bowed slowly. ouch. it still hurts.

"ah, miss. don't move that much. you may hurt yourself more.", namjoon spoke up.

"uh-huh. namjoon hyung is right. you should rest. we'll leave you here to rest.", taehyung said.

"oh. okay.", i smiled.


it's been a while after the boys had left me. my head still hurts, but im trying to focus to remember what had happened yesterday.

i got lost during my first time travelling alone. really careless as usual. and then i found my savior, hoseok at the bus stop and i agreed to stay at his house with other six housemates there. we arrived at three am and the kitchen looks suspicious, so hoseok and i decided to check if there was a thief at his house.

it turned out that it was seokjin, cleaning the dishes.

he was happy to have me as a guest and we introduced ourselves. suddenly, there were jeongguk, jimin and taehyung looking exhausted, observing us. probably had woken up because of the screams and laughter.

and then it was black.

i took out my notebook from my bag. it's not that far away from the queen-sized bed that im sitting on. this bedroom was wide enough for me and there's a private toilet here. it's perfect.

i'd really love bringing my notebooks around as a habit. well, actually a minimalized sketchbook. i've decided to call it 'notebook' anyways. i love to draw, it helps me relax or to kill some time.

i struggled a bit to remember them, but somehow managed to.

i took out my pencil and eraser, and started to draw.

- dimples
- silver hair
- looks nice
- their leader (?)
- matured

seokjin (jin)
- worldwide handsome (?)
- lavender hair
- mom friend™
- flirts
- do most of the house chores

- looks like a cat
- mint hair
- hair covers forehead
- doesn't seem to like me :(
- looks emotionless

- nice guy
- dirty blonde hair
- likes me :)
- helps me survive
- heart-shaped grin
- very cheerful
- friendly

- mochi cheeks
- light brown hair
- tired eyes
- real cute :o
- looks nice
- soothing voice
- friendly

- playful
- blond mullet
- has boxy smile
- cutie :3
- has a rough voice

- has bunny teeth
- coconut-shaped brunette hair
- looks strong
- has doe eyes
- i hope he's nice :P

jeongguk- has bunny teeth- coconut-shaped brunette hair- looks strong- has doe eyes- i hope he's nice :P

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well, its not that good but whatever.

i've noticed that my phone has been plugged on, maybe one of the boys did that for me.

i put the book under my pillow and go back to sleep.

im not going or doing anything with this injury anyway. the boys even told me to rest and it's still five o'clock.

it's called a holiday anyway.


oh em geE my drawing is ugLY sorry u HavE tO seE TheM  o(╥﹏╥)o

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