I hope this dosnt hurt Lola/Is it the future or the past

Start from the beginning

"Hey Lola"

She spon around to them still on the road. They were laughing

" I hope she gets hurt"

I hope she pges to hospital"they whisper

"I hope she dies" another one said abit to loud.

Just then Lola turned to see what they were on about. It was to late. The car slammed on it's breaks but it hit her. She was unconscious for 5 minutes the girls cried

" we never meant it. It was just a joke. We're sorry" they said

I gave her mouth to mouth. She woke up. We've became real close latly. She has scars on her every where. She's not able for it.





"She's not able for anymore drama right now so maybe just leave her be for awhile" I say after I explained what happened

"You wish. I'm gonna get her back. She's mine and always will be" luke said

"But you guys broke up last year and me and Lola are kinda dating now " I try try to sound tough

" you wish lover boy And you better stay away from her or I'll kill you"

"Just stay away from her colum or whatever your name is. Come on luke let's go" Ashton said giving me a death glare

"It's calum and no I won't if you havnt noticed she left you guys she dosnt want you anymore"

"Go fuck yourself you dick head"

"Whatever" I say walking away.

What have I put me and Lola into

Lola's POV

I keep waking from these dreams. It's like it's telling me something about lily,luke,calum,Ashton and amm Calum's friend mikey or something. I don't know how to explain it. I warn to tell calum but I'm afraid of what he'll think of me. I feel like I have these powers like in that TV show hero sit start back when calum met luke and Ashton the other week






Calum luke Ashton miky and lily were goofing around messing with each other. I didn't know them. They were singing lily was laughing and cheering a name

4 or 5 es o es. I think. Luke was singing. Calum with the bass. Mike with a guitar and ash on the drums. It was like they knew each other.....................then I woke up












It might be real. That might be why I felt tension between cal luke and ash. When they meet and when I mentioned lily cal tensed up but I've known luke ash and lily all my life.

Unless when lily luke had to go to there aunts with ash. They were really in this band called 4 or 5 es o es i don't understand. I feel like I'm one of those people who can see the past or future like in that old TV show heros. What if I was. Imagine superpowers were real. I need to ask cal. I need to know. I ring him

Is death really the answer (calum hood fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now