Day X: Song Lyric Prompt

28 3 5

Song: I saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus by Jackson 5

"You gotta be vewy quiet." Little Peter whispered, crawling over the railings to his crib. The small pupper, Sargeant, nudged his small little chubby legs. "We gotta sneak to swee Santa." Peter mumbled, his cheeks rosy red. He wobbled over to the pupper before grabbing him, lifting him as he started carrying him down the stairs.

As they neared the end of the stairs, Peter heard talking and light laughter- From what he knew, Mommy and Daddy were both asleep. He squished himself to the wall, the small pupper's legs dangling. They were bigger than Peter. He peaked around the corner, and hOly mOLY IS THAT SANTA-

"I don't see why this is necessary, Tony." 'Santa' chuckled as Tony wrapped his arms around his neck, smirking. "I think you look amazing." He whispered.

Then, something UNBELIEVABLE happened.


Peter made a small gasp as he looked away, tears forming in his eyes. How could mommy do such a thing?! Did mommy have nO shAME?

"Did you swee that, Swarg?" Peter muffled his breaking voice into the golden retriever's fur. "Mommy kwissed Santa!" Peter sniffled as he dog lightly whined, trying to comfort the smol boi.

Gathering himself from the recent horror, he peaked around the corner again. He was sure to tell Daddy about this in the morning. He knew Mommy thought he was asleep.

"It's so uncomfortable." 'Santa' whispered again, looking at Tony.  "Like this beard? Is it really necessary-" Tony rolled his eyes. "Everything is necessary. It gives this charming effect- And makes me feel satisfaction of knowing Santa has kissed me." He smirked.

"Whatever you say." 'Santa' chuckled, lightly itching under the beard. "It's really itchy." He muttered. Tony poked at his sides as 'Santa' laughed lightly. "Tony! Stop- You're gonna wake Peter-"


This has gone TOO FAR.  Peter rushed upstairs, Sargeant in his arms. He crawled back in his crib, Sargeant laying down beside him as they both went to sleep. Peter had a horrifying story to tell Daddy when he woke up....


"Peter..." Steve whispered, coming into his room and flicking on the light. "Guess what day it is..." He hummed, walking over to Peter's crib. Peter mumbled a little, opening his eyes as he looked up at Steve. "Daddy!" He cried, getting up and motioning with his hands.

"Daddy! Daddy!" He cried more as Steve picked him up. He was quite confused. "What's wrong, hunny?" Steve whispered as the smol pupper joined him, barking his bab bark.

"Mommy-" He sobbed, burying his face in Steve's shoulder. Tony entered the room, leaning in the doorway. He raised an eyebrow.

"Mommy kissed Santa wast night!" He sobbed into the air, shaking his head. Steve turned dark pink as he looked at Tony who was....Well, embarrassed to say the least.

"Honey, are you sur-" Steve was cut off by a large wail and a confirmed nod. Steve mouthed to Tony, 'You told me he was asleep-' , in which Tony hid his face.

"Well me and mommy will talk about it." Steve mumbled, still wearing a smile. "How about you and Sarg go open presents-" He let Peter down as he sucked in snot, running down the stairs with Sargeant.

Steve nudged Tony.

"I told you it was unnecessary."


My alternative pick would have been Baby its Cold Outside, but we went for the cute aspect-

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