Day IV: Lights

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"I still think this is a really bad idea." Steve murmured, watching from below Stark tower. He was on the streets, along with several other people that started forming a crowd. Above, there was Tony on the balcony in his iron man suit with Peter, of course in his suit as well.

Steve pressed his earpiece. "Tony, are you sure this is safe? I mean....Its just lights." After a few moments, Tony replied. "Totally fine. I got the kid up here with me anyways. He's sticky- Plus he can web the lights. Saving screws. How eco-friendly am I now?" Tony teased into the mic.

Finally, after a long wait, the decorations began- First, he started with the huge 'A' on the tower, outlining it in colorful lights. Peter stuck to it, webbing the lights when need to. He spoke into the mic. "Uhh, Mr. Stark? How long will we be out here? I feel like I might get hypothermia." Steve couldn't help but chuckle. "Tony, at least activate the heater for the poor kid."

With a groan, he complied as Peter sighed from relief. After about an entire three hours, the tower was lit up like a Christmas tree. Tony flew down to meet Steve as his helmet retracted. "See? Uninjured. And the tower looks great." He motioned up. Of course, people went crazy, because well- oh my god Tony Stark was right infront of them-

Steve rolled his eyes before they both went inside, Tony taking off his suit. Peter was already inside, looking around. "Woah! You guys already decorated in here?! That's so cool!" He ran over to the tree, glancing up at it. "How did you get the star there!?" He pointed at the top. Tony smiled lightly. "Steve gave me a small boost." He admitted.

"And- The stockings-" He looked over, noticing three- Steve's, Tony's, and his own. "Wait, why do I have one?" Peter looked at the two, in which Tony began to answer.

"Well, we were hoping you would join us for Christmas this year." He hummed, putting his hands behind his back. "Of course, you don't have to, but we figured maybe....Well, it would be nice to have you around."

Peter's eyes seemed to light up. They were almost as bright as the tower itself. "I'd like that, Mr. Stark." He smiled. Steve nudged Tony slightly, wearing a grin himself. "I told you he'd say yes."

Tony seemed to roll his eyes. "Right. Well we have a room-" He was cut off by Peter running to him, giving him a hug. It was tight, and caught Tony off guard. Even Steve wasn't expecting it to happen- Tony Stark was not one for hugs.

But, slowly, Tony seemed to smile abd give him a small pat on the back. "Alright, kid. This is getting kinda awkward-" He muttered as Peter let go, stepping back a little. "Sorry." He mumbled, fixing his jacket. "Right- I'll go-" With that, Peter began to explore the house in search of his room.

Tony turned to Steve. "That- Wow." He blinked. "Was not expecting that." Steve chuckled as he pulled Tony close, kissing the top of his head.

"And you said you hate hugs."

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