31: Much Needed News

Start from the beginning

"But its not what he deserves," I argued.

"He can think for himself, and he has thought. He wants you," Dutch continued, "Someone once told me, the most beautiful things in life are not seen or heard, they are felt with the heart. So do what your heart tells you, don't start digging a hole with it or you won't ever get out."

"I guess... you might be right," I said quietly.

"She finally admits it," he gave a hearty laugh, "I will certainly accept your invitation to the wedding, as will everyone else here. But do take him to come see us before that. If he is as good to you as it sounds, we'll all love him."

"Thank you," I smiled up at him, "You've settled my mind somewhat."

"Go, celebrate with the others," he clapped my shoulder, "God knows we needed some good news."

I nodded and walked over to the campfire, the atmosphere was better than it had been in a long time, possibly since the return of Jack from Angelo Bronte. That seemed a lifetime ago.

"Ann, what is... who... were you ever going to tell me?" Arthur was by my side, an unreadable expression on his face.

"Arthur," I sighed, "I'll be honest, I don't know what I was going to do. I have just barely been convinced that this whole marriage thing isn't entirely selfish, but I'm still not..."

"The boy... he's the one that your father mentioned, the one that saved your life after the trolley station," he stated with a small nod, "As much as I hate to admit you're not the small kid I loved to torment anymore, I think you've found someone good."

"You're not angry?" he laughed at my surprised face.

"I'm a bit upset you didn't think you could tell me, but no, why would I be mad?" he asked, "I'm beyond happy for you. You can finally maybe have a life away from this!"

"Arthur, I think you've forgotten one important point," I forced a small laugh.

"But he doesn't care?" he asked, "He knows, and he still wants to marry you?"

"For some reason," I shrugged, "Believe me, I tried to convince him it was stupid."

"Well, if he's stupid too, you're made for one another," Arthur laughed, "Are you planning on taking him to camp before the wedding?"

"Well, Dutch has asked me to, so I guess so," I cringed slightly, "Oh god, that's gonna be awful."

"I'll come with you to get him," Arthur told me, "Then, if I think Dutch won't approve, I can warn you in advance. And also I want to size him up first of all, see if I approve myself."

"Oh, Arthur, shut up," I shoved him playfully before pausing, "I do love him, you know. I thought, after Edward... I thought I couldn't do it again. But somehow he made me open myself up to it all, and I think its the only thing keeping me sane through all this mess now."

"He's good for you, that I'm sure of," Arthur nodded, "Don't party too hard now, I'm getting you up first thing so I can meet this guy."

"Oh lord," I laughed, "He's in for a rough day tomorrow."

Arthur wasn't lying when he set he would get me up at the crack of dawn. I was essentially dragged from my bed and onto Roach, my protests falling on deaf ears.

Arthur had collected the dynamite with Bill as he was told the day before, Dutch was still considering what he planned to do with it. But I wagered it wouldn't be anything I approved of.

"So, this guy, you ain't even told me his name," Arthur said as we rode.

"Harry Taylor," I said, "He's English and posh, don't mock him too much."

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