Both girls entered the ward at the same time. Just as Kristoff was about to follow his girlfriend, Jumba used an arm to hold his chest back.

"A word, sir?" Jumba asked.

Kristoff looked impatient at first but calmed down when she saw the look on the doctor's face.

"You are... related to the girl in the ward? Yes?" His accent was deep and untraceable.

"I'm dating the girl's sister." From peripheral view, he could see Jack trying to gain in on the conversation.
"What exactly is wrong?"

The doctor sighed. So deep that anyone would have known good news wasn't following. "You all should have the knowledge that pneumonic patients get easy hypothermia. The girl could possibly be an icicle by now."

"Oh my God." Kristoff hadn't said that out loud. But behind him, he could hear someone say his same thought.

"Well, we did turn on the thermostat but..."

Jack came walking over to them. Surprisingly, so did Hans.

"Doctor, what's wrong?"

"What's wrong, doctor?" Jack and Hans asked simultaneously.
For the briefest moment, they resisted the force to look at themselves.

"You all are friends of the patient?"

"Some of us." Jack harshly said. Hans just glared quietly.

"I was just saying how critical her condition is. And she's been undergoing chemotherapy from what I could gather from her parents."

Kristoff wondered how on earth Jumba could have already contacted the Winters.
Then he guessed Rapunzel must have been quick to call her aunt.

"I would be frank with you boys." Jumba shook his head. "Right now, it doesn't look too good."

* * *

"Stop joking with me, Els." Anna tried to smile amidst the tears.

"No, really. Look how red you two are. I can't believe you already began to think the worst." Elsa laughed after sipping the hot chocolate Rapunzel had been quick to buy.

"You look chipper now. I like it. I hope it's forever." Rapunzel absent-mindedly stroked her huge braids.

Elsa only laughed and drank more of the hot liquid.

"You're so dumb, Els. You knew you could get your air sacs infected, yet you keep on stepping out without a sweater or muffler or anything woolly. You hate yourself that much?" Anna rolled her eyes.

Elsa calmly smiled at her little sister. The cold had long stopped bothering her anyway. She knew it was going to happen down to this point.

Nothing had worked all these years. It's just been wasted money on therapies after therapies.

She somehow believed she was born sick. And she'd stay sick.

"I'm here now. With both of you. Alive. And happy." She leaned over to ruffle Anna's hair.

"All that happiness and you still can't stay away from my hair." Anna playfully grumbled while swatting Elsa's intruding hand.

Both of them were careful enough to avoid the earlier argument. And both of them had wordlessly reconciled.

"Anywho... I'm about to air out this little blondie's dirty laundry." Elsa piped up once more.

Anna sucked in air and turned to Punzie. "Surprise me!"

Rapunzel looked at her cousins and frowned. "Elsa. Are you about to go all Tinkerbell on me? I'm pretty sure I had no dirty laundry on me throughout these months."

"Oh yeah?" Elsa challenged.

Rapunzel harrumphed.

"Anna, remember that time Moana called us at that party meeting last week? And Punzie bickered with that guy with the goatee?"

It was Rapunzel's time to gasp. "Shut up!"

"I've heard from sources that you guys have gotten pretty clingy-"

"ELSA!" Rapunzel reached up to playfully claw at Elsa but the platinum blonde was quick to dodge it as she lay back down on the bed, clutching her sides in laughter.

Anna laughed as well. "I knew it. I knew it!"

"You knew it?!" Rapunzel turned.

"I could see love in the daggers you two sent each other." Anna added.

"Oh shut up!" She punched the redhead.

"I guess stuff really went down these past months-" Anna was cut off when the door opened.

The three girls looked up.

Jack stood at the door. His face was washed with pure grief as his eyes stayed on Elsa.

"Hey, Jack. What's-" Rapunzel didn't complete the statement because Jack was practically running to Elsa.

In the shortest and most surprising of seconds, Jack snatched Elsa's cheeks and pressed a long, hard kiss on Elsa's warm lips.

Anna and Rapunzel stared, their jaws touching the floor.

Once Jack released his girlfriend, she took some seconds to savour the feel before her eyes opened again.

Her blue orbs gazed at him, sadly. "Jack-"

"Shh." He kissed her again then pulled back to look at her face, never removing his hands from her face.
"Marry me. Right here. Right now."

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