thank you

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And finally I just have one more thing to say. I'll make it quick.

Thank you so much. I'm sorry that I couldn't actually finish writing this story for you but please accept what I gave u as a consolation gift.

God I hate when people get sappy on here so I'm not even gonna go there but I just think it's so cool that you actually read all my shit and if ur actually reading THIS right now then ur on a whole other level no joke u r a treasure. But fr Crash was UNGODLY long I honestly hate it lmfao so thanks for trudging thru to the good shit (Reverberation).

You're amazing.

Thank you thank you thank you.

-megan xx

Reverberation - Guns N Roses FanfictionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ