SEVEN - the roadtrip

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September 14th, 1991

Izzy was a great houseguest; most of the time, I nearly forgot he was here. In the mornings, I would get up for work--sometimes he would also be up, but mostly it was just me, which I liked. After I got home from work, he would usually be there--although, on more than one occasion, he'd gone out either for a walk or to whatever store he felt like that particular day. Then, in the evenings, we almost always spent time together--watching movies or TV, talking about things that happened on the Appetite for Destruction tour, and we even cooked meals together.

That went on for a little while, but then I think he started to get a little antsy.

"Do you know any fun things to do here? There's gotta be something more than the museum."

"It's really not that bad, actually," I shrugged, leaning against the kitchen counter while I split lumps of my scrambled eggs apart with a spatula. "They just expanded the place, and--"

"Please don't finish that sentence," Izzy begged with a dramatic sense of dread. I just smirked at him, setting the spatula down next to the stovetop and pivoting to face him. He sat several feet away, at the kitchen table, with a large mug of coffee and tousled morning hair. It seemed he was letting it grow, but I wondered if maybe he'd let me cut it someday.

"I'm serious; there's absolutely nothing to do in this city," I told him. He gave me a look as if to say: oh, come on, think a little harder. I crossed my arms. "Fine. Let's just go for a drive. We can figure out where we're going on the way there. There's no rush, either--we have all day today, and tomorrow."

Izzy nodded, draining his cup by flicking his head back in one swift motion. I watched the hair crowning his face push backwards, revealing high cheekbones and a sharp jawline. "Mind if I take a quick shower?"

I groaned. "Izzy, I told you to stop asking me that. Just go whenever you want!"

I turned back to my breakfast on the burner--not before I caught the mischievous grin he sent my way.

"I know," he said simply. "I just do it now because I know how much you hate it."

The child in me wanted to scoop up a handful of the half-cooked eggs and throw them at him, but, instead, I just shook my head with a content smile on my lips.


Izzy and I entered my car, and when I asked him if he had any type of place in mind, he just said, "Surprise me."

We had bags packed in the trunk--just in case. They weren't carrying much, just a change of underclothes and a pair of pants and a shirt each. We figured that since I had the weekend off and he had no responsibilities here, we should leave the city and find somewhere different. It was like a way for him to see a little bit of Canada, my home, and I found it oddly flattering that he was so interested in doing such things.

"So, are we going on an adventure, or do you already have an idea of where to go?" Izzy asked, his eyes on me even as he buckled his seatbelt.

"I wouldn't say it's not an adventure just because I already know where to take you," I responded with a shrug of my shoulders, frowning a bit. "If you don't like where we go, then we can move on, but if you do..." I raised my hands in delight. "Even better!"

I put the keys into the ignition and started manoeuvring my way out of the parking lot and into the streets of Saint John.

"Can you find a map in the glove box?" I asked him without averting my gaze from the road.

"Mhm," Izzy mumbled in response, leaning forward to open the compartment. "Are we really going that far?"

I shook my head. "Not really. Just an hour or so out of the city. It's been a while, though, so I want to make sure I'm going the right way."

He just nodded and opened up the map of New Brunswick. At a stoplight, I leaned over to find where we were and how to get to our destination. Since I was quite familiar with the southern part of the province, I knew the route pretty well--the map was more of a formality.

"Okay, I got it," I told him, shifting my gaze forward just as the light turned green. "You can put it back."

"Are you sure? You don't think you'll need it again?"

I scoffed. "I've lived here my whole life. I could probably drive these roads backwards and blindfolded. Don't worry about it."

Izzy just raised his eyebrows and didn't say anything.

"Trust me. You trust me, right?"

Izzy looked at me like I was a puzzle he couldn't quite figure out.

"Of course I do."


Fifty minutes later, I turned into the packed parking lot of Mrs Dunster's doughnuts and Izzy gave me a strange look.


"No," I told him, exiting the vehicle. He followed suit. "Well--yes, if you want. But that's not what we're here for. Take a look around."

He did as I instructed, and, again, didn't quite understand what was happening.

I just smiled. "It's the balloon festival!"

"It's the what festival?"

"Balloons; hot air balloons, as in b--"

"Yeah, I got it," he chuckled. "But where are the balloons?"

"Fair question. They go up at 5:30 pm and 6:30 am. Since it's only..." I pushed back my sleeve to view my watch, "1:26 pm, we could stay and walk around the grounds and look at the little shops set up, or get some food from the food trucks, or see if there are some rides or games that aren't too stupid... it's up to you. But there's lots of time, so we could also go drive around a bit, too."

Izzy seemed to be considering his options, and then told me, "I'd like to do whatever you want. But, if it was up to me, I'd explore the town a bit more before coming back."

I grinned. "Perfect. Are you hungry?"

He shrugged. "A little bit."

"I know just the place."


Ok cool, cool cool cool cooooooooooooool
Any ideas on what type of place they're going to??

-megan xx

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