"Sonic! Look!" Tails yelled out, seemingly at a random time.

Sonic and Knuckles looked over to the corner. It was a gateway to the lighter side. Had they.. died? "Wait, that's a gateway back to Mobius!" Tails yelled. "Sonic! You have to go!" Knuckles yelled.

"What? What about you two?!"

The two looked at each other, then back to Sonic. "We have to make that prophecy come true! You aren't meant to be caught. Not yet.." Knuckles explained, while Tails' tails drooped. "It's too late for us, Sonic!" Tails yelled in pain. "You and Cups have to fulfil the prophecy!" Knuckles added. Sonic blinked back tears. ¨I can't lose you guys again!" Sonic yelled. ¨You have too...¨ Knuckles stated. ¨Hurry, Sonic, it is closing!¨ Tails exclaimed at the hedgehog. ¨Okay... I'll go...¨ Sonic said as he walked back through the open gateway.

Knuckles and Tails watched as they looked at each other and blinked back tears. "He had no choice, Tails.." Knuckles stated as they watch their friend go.. "Wait a second... What's going on?!" They both stared at themselves as they were feeling their body twist and shake... They both screamed in agony, Sonic turned back. "Tails, Knuckles!" Sonic yelled as he ran back to help his friends, he however was too late.

"Guys, I'm com-" Sonic yelled before the gateway closed, and the two were blinded by darkness


The two woke up in a green room. they seemed to be floating as they watched through the green plastered room. Tails and Knuckles soon realized the room wasn't green. They were in a green test tube. Everything was a blur. Then, they looked up, Air bubbles soaked up the sky.

Air Bubbles... oh no Tails realized. They were in water, "Knuckles, we have to-" Tails started, only to be stopped by his water filled clogged lungs desperately giving out. Knuckles pounded on the window, hoping to be able to break it somehow. One question quirked in his mind though...

Who put them in here? How did they escape from the Center of Time? Knuckles horrifyingly realized the only person with them was...

"Sonic.." Knuckles said through choked air. "Why would he do such a"-Tails coughed and sputtered-"thing?" Knuckles sadly shrugged.

"I don't know, guys, why would I"

Tails and Knuckles jolted and looked in front of them... It was Sonic. "SONIC! YOU BETTER LET US OUT!" Knuckles screamed as he started banging on the window, hoping for it to shatter so he could hassle the living daylights out of the hedgehog. Tails blinked back tears and asked Sonic, "Why...?"

"That's for me to know... and for you to, well, never find out" Sonic replied as he loomed on within the duo. "I thought we were friends!" Tails cried out, hot water formed around his face, so he could tell it was his own tears. "Not anymore, little bro" Sonic stated. "Eggman, the demon, and I had an interesting conversation-" He chuckled "-that's not for you to know about, Eggman's coming by the way. Accept his fate, or drown..." Tails and Knuckles then noticed the air bubbles below them. "You use it..." Knuckles said. "Are you sure?" Tails asked in regret. "Yes..." Knuckles stated as he looked at the bubble coming up. Tails quickly gulped one down, and as quickly as he could looked away from Knuckles feeling bad.

"All I have to do is turn off this lever, and those bubbles will be gone!" Sonic yelled. Knuckles' face was turning red as he was running out of air. "Or I could make two appear.." He said. He flicked a lever, two air bubbles appeared, and they both breathed it down as fast as they could...

"You're my minions now.. Join me... or drown" Sonic repeated as he looked at his two former friends. "Come on, Sonic... We finally see each other again, and you turn your back on us?!" Tails said, now starting to cry. Sonic looked at the fox. "I'm a good trickster aren't I?" Sonic laughed as he looked at the two, who were struggling to breathe. Sonic then turned off the bubbles and walked out of the room, laughing as he did so...


Meanwhile, on the other side of town, the real Sonic was rushing toward West Side. "I gotta find them!!" Sonic yelled. Had his friends really disappeared again? "Come on, where are-!" Sonic yelled as he bumped into someone, a huge gurgle was heard.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so- Huh?" Sonic was about to apologize when he saw what looked like a kettle. "No, no, it's quite alright..." The kettle said, grumbling to get up. Sonic then realized it was an old man, Sonic quickly rushed to his aid and picked him up. "I'm in a hurry, have you seen a fox or an echidna anywhere around here...?" Sonic asked, hoping for an answer.

"No, I'm looking for my two boys, Cuphead and Mugman.. but I'll come back to you as soon as I see them, now tell me what did they look like?" The kettle asked. "Wait... Cups and Mugs mentioned a kettle, are you their grandfather?" Sonic asked in disbelief. "Yes, I guess I have, have you seen them?" The kettle asked. "I saw them about 2 days ago... we got into a big fight, and I ran off in anger" Sonic explained as he recalled the events of earlier. "How about I come with you, and we can find both of the people we're looking for." The kettle stated, which was basically Sonic's only choice...

Cuphead and Mugman gazed out at the beauty of Angel Island, but it was falling... "WHAT DO WE DO NOW?!" Mugman asked... "Jump!" Cuphead yelled as they made the leap. They would make it.. they needed to make it... They fell on a sandy breeze. They looked up.. they were on the island. Cuphead rubbed his cup, as he gasped in pain. Cuphead coughed out. Mugman looked at the cup who had been so careless, the events that had been going on, it felt like the weirdest thing. Mugman mumbled to himself, regret? or was it sorrow.

Cuphead looked at him and sighed... this was gonna be a long night.

Cuphead and Sonic [Book 1]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora