"Captains being held in the workers compound, this way!" Micah interrupted.

We followed him, but I felt Arthur glancing at me periodically. There were bigger matters than what I had just done to deal with, however. And I hadn't done anything wrong, he more than deserved what he got.

There were still more soldiers at the compound, and I dealt with them with the others, trying to keep a stable mind as I did it. I noticed Arthur was by my side the whole time, clearly ready to step in if I went too far again. I was already sick of him babying me, I was a grown woman who could make my own choices!

"You get the captain out of that cabin," Dutch told me once the soldiers were dealt with, "We'll cover things out here."

I kicked the door open and went to where the captain was lying on the floor. He seemed badly beaten and the room was apparently empty otherwise, so I lowered my gun and made my way towards him.

I was wrong, and was swiftly tackled to the ground because of it. I struggled against the man before he hit me in the face with his gun and jumped back, laughing as his gun aimed at my head. It was Mr Simon.

"I got you now, puta," he laughed, but I just grinned as I saw a gun come from the other side of the door, aimed at Simon's head.

"I'd watch your tongue, my friend," Dutch walked in and I stood up slowly, Simon hadn't moved his gun from my head.

"We know who you are," he growled.

"And nobody knows who you are," Dutch replied, "Not even your own father."

Suddenly, the back door burst open and Dutch aimed his second pistol at the newcomer. It was Fussar himself.

"You are going to die, you maggots," he growled.

I removed my own pistol from its holster and aimed it at Fussar who was aiming his at Dutch. The only way I could see out was all of us shooting each other, and there was no guarantee Dutch and I would be the lucky ones.

I had to think fast, Dutch could make them talk while I figured out a plan.

That he did, I always knew I could count on Dutch to buy me time. And that time was vital, for I realised my other gun was still lying on the floor, in reach of the captain.

I made eye contact with him, silently signalling to the gun, and he had a determined look on his face. I waited for the opportune moment before sliding the gun towards him using my foot, he didn't hesitate, picking it up and shooting Simon in the face.

In the confusion, Fussar crashed out the window and got away, despite Dutch's best efforts to shoot him.

"I suppose you are my cargo," the captain said as I helped him up.

"Dutch van der Linde," Dutch said, "I am sorry you got hurt."

"Captain..." but Dutch cut him off.

"Let's go," he said, leading the way towards the boat.

By the time we got outside, reinforcements had arrived, and we had to once again shoot our way out. Hercule hadn't seen Fussar escape, so we had no idea where he had gone. I was angry, I wanted revenge on that man more than I cared about my life, but I also wanted to make sure the others got out, even if I didn't.

We pushed hard to get to the boat, showing no mercy to those who got in our way. We almost got there when an explosion came down on us, no doubt from a cannon. I leapt to the side, groaning in pain as bits of stone rose up and scratched me.

"Fussar's up there, I think," Hercule said as we got in cover.

"In the tower?" Arthur asked, "Goddamn idiot."

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