The story of the queen

Start from the beginning

Mr. Granger: *tells the story*

Many years ago, when all Bit-Beasts were free, they lived peaceful and in harmony. But Dragoon's oldest brother, LDrago, didn't like it to see them all happy.

 But Dragoon's oldest brother, LDrago, didn't like it to see them all happy

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He was created from a meteor, and was one of the 88-star constellations. He had the ability to read the thoughts of other Bit-Beasts, and he was able to absorb the energy of other opponents.

No foe could stand against him. Not even your Bit-Beasts like Draciel [water splashes], like Dranzer [fire burns], Driger [thunder rumbles], or his brother Dragoon [gust of wind]. All failed. He knew every secret plan and every hidden thought. He could predict their every move. LDrago had become the invincible King, and he enslaved them all.

Nobody dared to oppose him. Except one. Frost! She resisted him and gave him the advice to give up voluntarily. LDrago didn't take it seriously and mocked her. But he didn't know one thing. That the water has a memory. Frost used her powers and set up statures of ice of all Bit-Beasts with their thoughts.

That confused LDrago and it drove him crazy

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That confused LDrago and it drove him crazy. There were too many thoughts for him. As long as he was unfocused, Frost used her icy powers and froze him into a huge ice block. And Frost became the new Queen of all Bit-Beasts.

  Legend has it that if LDrago ever comes out of the ice block, only Frost can defeat him again

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Legend has it that if LDrago ever comes out of the ice block, only Frost can defeat him again.

End of the Flashback....

Alesia: *smiles proud* And so I got Frost.

Everyone is frozen in awe, even Kai.

Tyson: *jealous* Man, Alesia. You're so lucky to have Frostic Dranzer.

Alesia: *sighs sad* Not really.

Tyson: *confused* Heeeeh?

Alesia: Every time if I use Frost in a battle, the other Bit-Beasts get scared and stop to circle. That's so boring.

Tyson: *feels sorry for her* Oh...

Ray: *puts his hand on her shoulder* Hey, don't be sad, Alesia. I think that's a sign, that you have the Queen. That's means, that you're the protector of our Bit-Beasts. Nothing will happen to us with your assistance.

Alesia: *smiles embarrassed* You really think so?

Tyson: *raises his thumb* Of course. We'll all be counting on you.

  Alesia looks at them all, how everyone raise the thumb, excluded Kai

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Alesia looks at them all, how everyone raise the thumb, excluded Kai.

Ray: *notices Kai's expression* Do you have something to tell us, Kai?

Kai: *folds his arms and closes the eyes* This story was about many years ago. But now our Bit-Beasts have become stronger. *turns around and walks to the exit* My Dranzer doesn't need a queen. *turns to Alesia* You! Come this evening to my house. At 7 p.m. *looks at everyone* And alone! *gazes at Alesia* I will show you, that Dranzer is strong enough to defeat the queen.

Tyson: *growls at him* I will come too. I will not allo...

Alesia: *interrupts him* Tyson, it's ok. *looks proudly at Kai* I will come, Kai.

Kai: *smirks* Very good, my dear. See you later. And don't let me wait. *walks away*

Tyson: *growls angry* Arrrgh... This jerk. I could just.... *frozen for a moment and smirks slyly* He he he he... I have an idea.

Ray: *sighs* That can't be good.

The other get a little worried.

Kenny: *tries to stop him* Tyson, don't do something stupid. The last prank you did to Kai, didn't end well.

Max: You mean, when Kai slept over at Tyson's house and in the night Kai opened his eyes and saw Boris over him? Who said "I got you, Kai. You can't run away from me." Kai jumped from the bed with a scream. Then he recognized that, it's Tyson, who disguised as Boris.

Kenny: Yeah, that's the prank. Then Kai chased Tyson through the whole house and even throw knives at him.

Alesia: *stunned* Ok, Tyson. Whatever you have planned now. Stop it.

Tyson: *pets her head* Don't worry, my dear cousin. This prank is just a revenge for the punch, he'd given me. *walks with a big smirk to the computer room*

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