Sir Nighteye was not very happy to say the least, and harshly chided and lectured both of us, but didn't comment on it later. Even if it was clear he didn't like it. Mirio later reassured us that he was just processing it, and gave us a slightly nervous congratulations.

I was halfway through the course which lead to the main training session when I felt my knees shaking again. I tried to ignore it and make it through the course when the shaking started to hurt, and I started stumbling. It was like my legs were suddenly trying to shut down on me.

I kept pushing and getting them to move.

The trembling became more intense.
I glanced over and saw Aizawa and Izuku approaching the arena.

More trembling.

Kept pushing.

I ran faster.

Violent shaking.

I then pushed my legs even harder
and then—


I had fallen face first into the ground seconds later.

I heard Izuku run next to me and Aizawa immediately cut me off from the training. I looked down at my knee that had started feeling like it had a hammer harshly slammed into it. I shut my eyes from the growing pain and I let out a groan. Izuku picked me up and helped me out of the arena.

I noticed Aizawa also looking between Izuku and I as if thinking something. I spoke up.

Todoroki: I am the father, Mr Aizawa. And I fully intend on supporting Izuku and our unborn child, no matter what.

Aizawa just nodded.

Aizawa: Good to hear, about seven years ago we had one case where the other person involved wasn't interesting in helping at all. It's refreshing to hear the other parent take responsibility for the situation without prompting.

That made me reach over and gently squeeze Izuku's hand, him look at me and smile as I muttered: "No matter what".

Then I was sitting on a bench while Aizawa got the Recovery Girl. I let out small groans of pain. I looked back down at my knee, and noticed it looked swollen and bruised, (I'd rolled up my pant leg), and might have even had a couple blood clots in it.

Midoriya: What happened out there...?

I looked over to my right and saw Izuku looking at me with a concerned expression.

Todoroki: I didn't scare you too much, did I...?

Izuku shrugged, still looking worried.

Midoriya: How was that not supposed to scare me, Sho...?

I looked down, knowing he was right.

Todoroki: I'm sorry, I don't know what happened, my legs started shaking and then they just snapped...

Izuku gave me a small peck on the cheek, and a hug. My face visibly reddened and I side hugged Izuku.

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