16: No, No and Thrice, No

Start from the beginning

"I was having lunch with the sheriff," he said, "He mentioned something about a hanging. I had a bad feeling and knew when he gave me more details it was you. I ran there, just in time it seems."

"Thank you," I smiled as he helped me up the steps into the house.

"I'm sorry I didn't stop them before they pulled the lever," he examined my neck, "That's gonna be painful for a few days, it'll bruise. Badly."

"Sorry for worrying you," I sighed, "I was just trying to do the right thing for once. Obviously I can't even do that right."

"No, I'm proud of you," he smiled, "Not many people in this town would have intervened, it's refreshing to see someone who does care. I'm sorry that you had to learn the hard way how corrupt this city is. However, your mother is going to blow a gasket when she sees you."

"As is Dutch," I groaned, "He was there, ready to save me. If you hadn't intervened, we would be on the run yet again. He won't thank you, but I'll thank you on his behalf. Without your help, the outcome could have been a lot more severe."

"You're my daughter," he gave a small smile, "What do you expect me to do? Let's go see your mother now, better to get it over with."

She wasn't mad, but she checked over me multiple times to make sure I was alright, scolded me for intervening, and just pampered me as best she could. I tried to argue that I had to get back to the gang, but she insisted that riding a horse with a neck injury was unwise and threatened my injuries would be worse if I didn't stay.

So, I obliged, mainly because I was dreading seeing Dutch and the others again. If they weren't already angry that I had been caught, they would be furious now that my parents intervened. My parents had a doctor visit me a few times over the next few days, making sure my neck was only bruised and not seriously injured. I was extremely stiff and it hurt to talk, but gradually, I returned to how I was before.

After a few days with my parents, there was a knock at the door. I went to answer, everyone now knew who I was to my parents, and was surprised to see Arthur there.

"Ann, are you alright?" He asked, pushing his way in. The bruising was at its worst, so though I was feeling better, I looked awful.

"I'm fine, don't worry," I smiled at him, "But what are you doing here?"

"Dutch," he sighed, "Dutch asked me to come get you. He's not happy."

"Mr Morgan, nice to see you again," my dad walked through, a smile on his face.

"Mr Wright, thank you for saving Ann, you saved us an incredible amount of trouble," Arthur said, "I was wondering if she was alright to come back to camp now?"

"If she's happy to," he nodded, "As long as she's careful."

"Don't worry, we won't let her do anything stupid," Arthur laughed, "Or anything more stupid than she usually does. Farewell!"

"Oh, Ann! The mayor has invited us to his party in a few nights, all three of us. Everyone knows you're our daughter now... it would be great if you could come back for it, maybe you and your mother can go dress shopping?" my father called as we left.

"I believe I already have an invitation, but I might take you up on the dress shopping..." I grumbled slightly before waving farewell.

I hopped on the wagon, Arthur leading us back home. We rode in silence, I didn't know what to even say. Was Arthur angry, or was he just disappointed? Or did he only feel sorry for me because of the wrath I was no doubt about to incur at Dutch's hand.

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