13: Blood Feuds, Ancient and Modern

Start from the beginning

"What happened to you?" I asked. I still hadn't really been filled in.

"Well, the whole thing, it was... it was odd," he sighed, "We kept waiting for them to jump us, then they all left. So we figured we'd meet you on the trail back, but you never showed up."

"Yeah, I was getting the special guest treatment from Colm," I gave a small laugh.

"I know... I know, I cannot believe... what an idiot I was and that happened," Dutch shook his head, "I guess forgiveness... there's some folks that don't deserve it."

With that, he left me. My back was now riddled with scars, and there was a permanent ache to remind me of ordeal, but I forced myself to push it away.

I rode into Rhodes and found the others waiting for me. Bill, Micah and Sean were sat by their horses, having a chat.

"Been waiting for you, Ann," Micah said, standing.

"Well, I'm sorry to have kept you," I said sarcastically, "You coulda asked Arthur instead."

"Come on, let's get going," he ignored me and lead us to the centre of town.

"What's the plan?" I asked.

"We're meeting a couple of the Grays over at the saloon," Micah told me, "They spoke to Bill about a job... needing security."

"After the farce of stealing the horses for them, why are we doing this?" I asked angrily.

"Cause we need to stay in with them..." Micah explained, "And they're paying."

"So what kinda security they want?" I asked, staring around the town. It was strangely empty of regular people, the only folks in sight were men who were staring at us strangely.

"Well, we're about to find out," Micah sounded exasperated, "Now, come on."

"This seem legit to you, Bill?" I asked, an uneasy feeling growing in the pit of my stomach.

"Sure," Bill grunted, he never really thought much about anything.

"Dutch said we was to keep on dealing with them until we find this gold," Micah lowered his voice.

"Can we trust them?" Sean asked.

"Can we trust anyone?" I asked, eyeing two armed men who walked past us, staring.

"Let's just see what they say," Micah growled.

"They said there was some big misunderstanding about them horses," Bill explained.

"And what about burning their fields?" Sean whispered.

"They don't know we had anything to do with that," Micah whispered harshly.

"Oh, that so?" I asked doubtfully.

"Yeah," Bill said, "They think it was the Braithwaites. Listen, I know these Gray boys a bit now. This is on the level."

"We're stuck in the middle of some ancient feud, but instead of playing both sides, we're being used by both of them," I growled.

"They were saying that Catherine Braithwaite..." I cut Bill off.

"Hey, hold up," I said slowly, "This don't feel right."

"Now it don't feel right? I coulda told you that-" a bullet shot through Sean's skull, his head seemingly exploded and I felt the wetness of blood on my face.

I was astounded for a second, staring at the body of one who was once my friend, before Bill dragging me to cover brought me to my senses. I let out a shaky breath as I ducked behind a fence, my brain running at a million miles per hour.

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