12: Even Darkness Must Pass

Start from the beginning

"So you only met with him to grab me?" I asked, the pieces falling into place.

"Not quite," he grinned, "We thought it would be Arthur in your place, but we struck gold. I was worried when I saw Arthur with Dutch, had he not sent anyone to keep watch? But then I saw my men had got you... Dutch woulda been angry about Arthur, but you? He gonna be so mad. He gonna come raging over here with a whole lotta ya, and the law'll be waiting for him. But I think, I might have a bit of fun before that happens."

He raised the object and brought it down on my back. I felt it slicing the skin and realised, it was a whip. I screamed in agony as he tore my back apart and I was defenceless to stop him.

It went on for some time before I succumbed to the pull of the darkness, the only escape from the pain cutting through my skin. Maybe I should have listened to my parents, and left the gang before things got this bad.

I didn't know how long it had been when I next came to. I was feeling a bit more with it, looking around to find a way out.

A knife had been left on the table, just slightly out of reach. But I could swing, if I found the strength! I worked as best I could, swinging back and forth before I finally grabbed the knife.

I used all my strength to reach up to my feet and fought for a few seconds to unlock the chains, crashing to the ground. I groaned before scrambling to my feet and over to the desk. I couldn't stop and catch my breath, I had to act if I wanted out. I had no clue when Colm would come back again.

A candle had been lighting the room, and a few shotgun shells were dotted about. I heated the knife on the candle to sterilise it, took a deep breath, and plunged it into my shoulder.

I fished around for a few seconds, biting my tongue to stop myself from yelling in pain, and finally found the bullet that had been festering in there. I pulled it out and grabbed a dirty piece of cloth from a sack, wiping the excess blood off. I opened the shotgun shell and poured the gunpowder onto my wound, preparing myself for the next part. But it had to be done.

I raised the candle, trying to reassure myself, and brought it down to the gunpowder, cauterising the wound. I yelled loudly in pain as it worked, gasping as relief washed over me.

"Shut your hole," I heard someone walking down the steps and rushed to the wall, slightly out of view. This was my chance, "I don't wanna go to Mexico. I wanna go home... home!"

He stepped into the room and ran forward, seeing it empty.

"What the hell?" I pounced on him before he could utter another syllable, knocking him out and snapping his neck. I grabbed his gun and got ready to make my way out, praying there wasn't too many of them about.

Two men walked past the opening to the cellar, so I hid in the darkness, waiting for them to pass. As soon as they did, I crouched and ran as fast as I could to a small shed where I could take cover and assess my escape route.

I almost shouted with glee when I realised I had inadvertently found all my weapons, stopping only when I remembered where I was. There was an O'Driscoll just on the other side of the wall, so I had to be as quiet as possible clipping the gun belt on and lifting my satchel.

I stuck my head up and looked around. Where were the horses? I couldn't escape on foot, that would certainly not be doable. I needed a horse.

I scanned the area and a smile found its way onto my face when I spotted Roach. I had assumed they would just leave him behind, maybe Dutch woulda found him, but I never imagined they'd take him.

I crawled over to him, stopping any time I heard movement nearby, and eventually managed to drag myself onto his back. I could barely sit up straight on the saddle, but thankfully Roach knew he had to move.

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