8: The Innocence of Guilt

Start from the beginning

Once again, my promise was kept. I found money, valuables, and even some canned foods for the settlers. It would more than make up for what had been taken.

"Here, they never even knew I was there," I grinned, showing him my bulging satchel, "Let's get outta here, I'll give you what you're due."

"Ann... I-I don't know what to say," he stammered.

"Say nothing, mount up! Let's get back to your camp, we'll sort out what the hell I've got there," I grinned, climbing on Roach and geeing him on.

My collection was pretty extensive. The money plus the valuables would definitely keep the settlers going until they reached California, it was much more than had been stolen from them. They were thanking me profusely as they stared at the riches laid out in front of them, an indication of how full their bellies would be in the coming months.

"You've saved us," Emil told me, "You've saved me again. I don't know how I can ever repay you."

"I'm just making up for the poor welcome you've received from my people so far," I shrugged, "But you'd best get outta here. Soon. The Laramie Gang will suspect you, and I don't want to think about what they might do."

"We will, we're making last preparations," he promised, "We'll be gone by tomorrow night, but... well, I'll miss you, Ann."

"I'll miss you too, Emil," I smiled, "Our chats. But life moves on, and I think my time in this area is coming to an end too. We can send letters to one another, I'm sure. Send any letters for me to Tacitus Kilgore, it'll find me."

"I don't want to know why its Tacitus Kilgore, not just Ann Wright," he laughed before pulling me into a hug, "Be safe. Try your best not to get hurt."

"I'll come see you tomorrow evening, before you go," I smiled, "You be safe, too. There's worse folk out there than the Laramie Gang."

"Thank you again, Ann, from all of us," he let go off me, "You're a good person."

"Nah, that I'm certainly not," I laughed, mounting up, "Don't spend that all at once, you hear? I'll see you tomorrow."

"Goodbye," he waved me off before turning back to his family.

"What's got you so downcast?" Arthur asked, sitting beside me by the fire that night. Nobody had commented on my few days of disappearance, giving me further indication that it was a well deserved holiday.

"I'm not downcast so much as..." I shrugged, "I don't know. I helped a guy, I've become good friends with him, but now he's gotta leave. I'm glad he's gonna get a better life, him and his family, but... well, I'll miss him."

"Understandable," he put his hand on my knee, squeezing it, "You've helped him on his way out, its bittersweet. But you did a good thing. Be proud of that."

"Yeah, I know," I smiled sadly, "I'm going to say goodbye to him tomorrow. He's gotta leave before the Laramie Gang rain down on him and his folk, I stole them some valuables they'd been robbed of to get them on their way. If anything happens, god I... I wouldn't forgive myself."

"It'll be fine," Hosea smiled at me, "I'm proud of you, my girl."

"I just saw a whole heap of Laramie boys riding out of Hanging Dog Ranch," Bill walked over to the campfire, a bottle in his hand, "They looked mighty angry, glad it weren't at us."

I froze, turning to Bill.

"Which direction where they headed? How long ago?" I demanded, standing up quickly.

"Uh... towards Mount Shann, I guess?" he said, "Maybe an hour ago, I was out hunting."

"Shit!" I yelled, running towards Roach without a second thought.

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