7: Wright or Wrong?

Começar do início

We ran at each other, but I quickly dodged out the way and let my foot trip him up, causing him to land face-first on the roof. I pounced on him, hitting him a few times until he passed out.

The third one was equally easy, but the last one drew a knife on me.

"Let me go!" He yelled but I shook my head and advanced on him. I had to get him to drop the knife.

I blocked his first few attacks with my arm against his forearm, but eventually, he cut my cheek. I yelled in anger and lashed out, causing the knife to fly. I didn't let him get a hit in, eventually overpowering him and allowing me to hogtie him.

I threw open the carriage door of the now stopped train and threw him on the ground in front of Archibald.

"Sounded like quite a commotion," he said, "Is that him?"

"I hope so," I said as he picked him up.

"Old Anders Anderson," he grinned as I felt the cut on my face. No more mocking John for his battle scars, it seemed, "A fine job, well done."

Archibald had apparently found his own horse and placed Anderson on the back, while I mounted Roach.

"I imagine your friends will be in Rhodes with the Sheriff," he told me, "Let's ride."

"What about the others?" I asked.

"Oh, we'll round them up," he said, "Anders is the brains of the operation."

As we rode to Rhodes, Archibald explained about the two families in the area - the Grays and the Braithwaites. They had been fighting for years, so long nobody knew why anymore, but Archibald was of course of the opinion the Grays were right. He did work for Sheriff Gray, of course.

We got to the Sheriff's office where Hosea, Dutch and the Sheriff were waiting.

"Mr Gray! We got him!" Archibald yelled.

"Very good," he grinned, walking forward.

"I told you Ann would deliver," Dutch said, "Girl has a passion for justice."

"That's wonderful!" Gray said.

"So, about my friend here..." Dutch said, I had forgotten all about Trelawny.

"Your idiot friend is free to go, but no more trouble from you," Gray warned him, letting him out, "Mr Macintosh, it has been a real honour."

"Well, we're just honoured to be here," Dutch smiled as we left. I knew he had been working that silver tongue on the Sheriff.

"I can't thank you enough," Trelawny said as we walked away.

"Where have you been?" Dutch asked him.

"Around," it was never a straight answer with Trelawny, "This whole town is trapped in this interminable feud between the two families."

"Interesting," Dutch said.

"Two old plantation houses, falling out over rebel gold, and marrying cousins and not marrying," Trelawny sighed.

"You three, you start poking around," Dutch told us, "See what you can find out about that."

"I've heard about bounties," Trelawny continued.

"I've had a price on my head for thirteen years," Dutch said, "They won't find us out here."

"Well, they're good bounties," Trelawny said, "There's apparently talk of it in bars in the north and west for five hundred miles. There was talk of super agents, or some such."

RDR2: FaithlessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora