
112 7 0

Cassie Joyner

"You know better than to lay your hands on your kids what the hell is wrong witchu" I shouted at Trey.

"That's Lester's son, same nigga that fuck with us" he said.

"No, that fucked with you, you put us in this mess" I said. "No lady, you did, cause you came into ma life with all the troubles" Trey shouted.

"You know what happened, and Mira has nothing to do with this neither Trevor, beside Lester ain't do shit yet, the nigga living on his own" I yelled.

"Now you sticking up for Lester and his kids, yo ass got some to do with him Cassie huh, whatchu hiding from me tell me" Trey asked as I gasped.

"Are you being serious nigga really, you think am one of your hoes" I asked while pointing my long nails in his face.

"Yow guys chill" Britney said as she walked in.  Trey looked at me one last time and walked out.

I decided to go check on Mira. When I entered her room she was packing. "Were you going" I asked her as she cleared her wardrobe.

"Trevor, to leave all this, its too much" she replied. "What bout us, your school"  I asked her as she started crying.

"I love him mom, but I just don't understand why dad would hate him so much, I can't do this" she said as I tried stopping her.

"It ain't gotta be this way, we can talk bout it, baby" I said. "Am 18 mom, not a kid Jo more let me go" she said as she dragged her box down the stair cade with me following her.

"Mira, Mira, Mira" I yelled as she entered her car. "Were she going" Britney asked me. "Mira wait" I shouted as she started her car.

Before I knew it, a truck turned from the curve and collided into Mira's Car.

"MIRACLE" I shouted as I ran towards the car.


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