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Mira (Miracle) Joyner

Few days later..

"I had a great time, thanks for the prom and this dinner, you really amazing" I said to Josh as he held me close.

We were now in front of my crib and he just dropped me off. "No thanks Mira, am lucky to have you" he said as we kissed. "Ima see you tomorrow"

I said as he got in his car then pulled off smiling at me. "So that's ya nigga" I heard a voice say as I turned around it was Trevor, he was across the street leaning on his car.

"Jeez you scared me, what you doing here" I asked him as he walked towards me. "I missed you, since you been too busy with that nigga, I didn't wanna disturb you girl" he said as I looked him in the eyes.

"So when you gon be with me baby" he said as he drew closer to me but I slowly pushed him away with my left hand.

"Fuck you doing this for huh, you let him touch you and kiss you but you dun wanna be close to me" he shouted as he held his fist.

"Why you so mad, as not even together, Josh is ma man and you just ma friend" I said to him as he looked at me with a straight face.

"So you playing with me, I shoulda killed your ass" he said as I turned around and started walking when I felt him grab ma hand.

"Mira, stay with me ight, that nigga ain't worth it trust me he don't luh you" he said as I chuckled.

"Stop all this Trev, we just friends that's it, now goodnight" I said as I walked away leaving him standing there.

Josh was a very nice person and I really liked him so whatever Trev says he just saying of out of jealously, besides ma dad won't want me bringing a killer home as my boyfriend hell no.

I walked into my room and closed the door. I liked Trevor, its just that what he does is terrifying. "Whatsup" I heard ma mom said as she walked in ma room with a glass of juice.

"Thanks mom" I said as I took a zip. "Who was that guy out there" she asked me as I blushed. "His name is Trev, his kinda addicted to me" I said as she laughed.

"Your father wasn't addicted to me" my mom said as she chuckled. "I see, I guess one day ya all will have to tell me how ya all met" I said as she nodded and put the glass of juice on my bed table.

"So what bout Josh I see ya all getting along" my mom asked me. "Yeah mom, but I like Trev but what he does is dangerous" I said as shee sat down. "Whatchu mean.... Wait, he in the drug business huh" she asked me. "Sure mama, he is" I replied.

"Be careful Mira really, we know these kinda people and they very dangerous" she said as I nodded.

My mom was right I should stay away from Trevor but there's a strong connection I have with him, I need to be sure it's real.
As my mom left I laid down and slept dreaming all about Trevor.
The next morning I helped my mom do her house choice then started applying for online university, I didn't wanna stay away from my family for now

I got in my car few hours later with Tamra. "Oh yass girl I look bad and boujie right now" she said as we drove to the mall.

"Food in the mall taste good" she said as I nodded. "Wassuh" she asked Me. "Trev been on ma mind lately, I feel like we have a connection" I replied as she laughed.

"Girl what" I asked her as she kept laughing then made a serious face. "Miracle stay away from that nigga, he legacy and legacies are dangerous" she said. "What's legacy....whatchu mean...." I asked.

Before she could say something I spotted Josh car. "You thinking what am thinking" Tamra asked me as I smirked knowing very well I was gonna follow him.


Excuse ma mistakes....Legacy huh lol....how ya all see Mira and Trevor.....

You gotta follow me to read next chapter is private

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