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The Plug: Hideout-Chapter One

Cassie Joyner

"Baby stop" I laughed as Trey tickled me, I tried to get off his hold but he his so stubborn. "You want me to stop huh...then gimme that ass" he said as he kept tickling me making us fall off the coach together.

"Uhuhm.." We heard Mira cleared her throat as she stood in front of us. "Oopz" I said as I and Trey got up. "Wassuh princess" Trey said as he smirked while sitting down. "Uhm, ya all know...." "What I tell you bout speaking that shit in ma house" Trey said as I chuckled.

"You be doing the most dad" Mira said as she sat between us. "Watchu want now" I said as I laughed at her foolishness. "Since we about to graduate ma classmates holding up this party tonight and I heard its the most popular kids in school and please I wanna go I have to, this gon be a chance to get my prom date" she said as Trey gave her a wide eye.

"You ain't doing no prom date, why you need a prom date for" Trey asked her as I laughed real hard. "Babe, that's the rules of prom you gotta bring a guy as ya date" I said as Trey smirked. "Please" Mira whined while holding Treys waist and resting her head on his shoulders. "Aww look at ma babies so cute" I said as they both looked at me like I was crazy.

"Okay okay but be home by 12, and have your location on ight" Trey said as she nodded while blushing. "Thanks dad, thanks mom" she said as she ran upstairs. "Raising kids is so hard you say this and they end up making you say that" Trey said as he laid his head on my lap. "I know" I said as I chuckled. "You still beautiful, young, don't you ever grow old" he asked me as i blushed. "Do you" I asked him as he smirked. "Hey love birds" Britney said as she walked in and sat down.

" yo, what's good" Trey asked her as she shook her head no. "Aint shit, Jerome thinking we could take the kids out for shopping today" Britney replied as Mira ran down the stairs. "Good, cause I have to look for something to wear tonight, place gon be lit as f...." Mira said as she faded the last word. "What I tell you bout cussing girl" Trey said as I nudged him to stop. "Sorry papi, see ya all later" she said as she kissed us on the chick. "She's a sweet kid" Britney said as she also followed Mira.

"Now we gon have this time to ourselves" Trey said as he smirked making me giggle. Things between Trey and I have been going pretty good, am just so happy I was able to make a family with him, what else can I ask for.

"Yo pops coming in town next month thou, he said he got business down here" Trey said as we walked hand in hand upstairs to our bedroom. "That nigga I miss him can't wait to see him" I said as we sat down on our bed. We started kissing until Treys phone vibrated indicating someone was calling him.

"Hello, ay man am a lil busy can we talk later" he answered then suddenly his face expression changed. "Fuck, tell em boys to keep an eye on him" Trey said as he hanged up. "Whatsup, everything good" I asked him as he shook his head. "What" I asked again as he stood up. "Them niggas round the corner said they spotted Lester, he around man, and with his family" Trey ended.


Please vote and comment like ya all been doing for book 1, if ya all have read book one comment ya favorite character or chap no.
PS: watch out for Mira and... ...
Follow !me....lovies....some chapters I will make private, come on ya all...

PS: its a book of its own, check ma profile to see it....

Man my book Grind or Die has reached 1K reads, thanks ya all

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