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"Dock" Trey said as he held me and Mira trying to get us to the car while Jordan and ma dad entire body guard shot at Lester.

"We entered the car, as Britney ma dad and Jordan did the same.

I held Mira as she cried louder than ever.
" its okay baby everything gon be good" Trey said as he drove all the way.

We reached a county negro house but big and in the middle of the woods with a large gate.

"This ma safe house" Trey said as we went inside.

Inside was beautiful than outside anyways.

I laid Mira down as she slept now and went to see my dad and Trey, while Britney showered.

"Lester, seriously" I asked the both of them.
"Baby am sorry it happened that way" my dad said.

"He would have killed ma baby" I said.

"We gon get him" Trey said.

"Fucking snitch" Jordan added.

"You gotta go get outta here, I gotta house in Florida, Britney gon take you there" Trey said as he got up.

"What" I asked.

"Ma jet come take you tomorrow morning, everything you need is there" Trey said.

He dragged me to the room and held me by the waist.

"Cassie, I know after this you ain't gon want me, but just promise me, you gon let me see ma baby" he said.

"She's yours" I said smiling.
He slowly kissed me.

"I know I ain't been good to you, but I try ma best to be a good father, if anything happens to me, take care of Mira, and always tell her I love her, and I love you" he said.
I stood confused as he smiled a little and we hugged.
"I love you too" I ended as I cried in his arms.

"End this. End it all and come home" I ended

Srkkkrraaaa.......how ya al see this. My bday is on January 18, that's Friday so am just chilling, am flexing lol....

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