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"I got here soon as I got ya call" Britney said as she came with Jerome.

"Thanks" I said.

"Family of Mrs. Joyner"  the doctor called as he stood in front of me.

"Am her husband" I chipped in quickly.
"Well am sorry but there are complications and we are trying our best" the doctor said.

"Can I come in" I asked him. "Sure follow me" he replied as I took ma chains and watch off.

I entered the room slowly and saw Cassie, but her eyes were closed.
"She okay" I asked him.

"She passed out when they brought her, luckily the baby heart is still beating, if we don't get the baby out of there soon am sorry" the doctor replied.

I looked at Cassie and how pale she was. I wasn't there to protect her like I said I would and I don't wanna loose her neither ma baby.

I made a silent prayer.

"She's up" the nurse said as Cassie opened her eyes, she begin to scream and that made me scared.

"Am here baby, am here" I managed to say as I held her arms.

"Now let's push" the doctor said as Cassie pushed and screamed.

After what seemed like hours, the baby came out.

"Wait, she's not crying, she's not breathing" the doctor said as they placed her tiny body on the table and did few things to her.

Cassie kept crying and I just didn't know what to say.

"Am sorry but we lost her" the doctor said. Its like everything from that moment sounded weird and slow.

I watched ma lil angel as she laid dead on the table.
This was all ma fault.
I watched Cassie cry so hard, as the doctor Patted  my back and left the room.

I looked at her, and I could see millions of pain, I just couldn't bare this.

Am sorry it ain't how u expected....damn....excuse ma mistakes.

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